세계선수권 사격 '진종오', 50m 권총 34년만에 세계신기록 경신 South Korea shooter Jin wins world title, breaks record


스페인 세계사격 선수권대회


올림픽 사격 3관왕 진종오가 스페인 세계사격 선수권대회 개인전 50m 권총에서 34년만에 세계기록을 깼다.


한국은 그라나다에서 열린 50m권총 사격 본선에서 합계 583점을 획득해 러시아의 알렉산드르 멜레니에프가 1980년 올림픽에서 수립했던 세계기록을 경신했다.


이것은 진종오가 2008년, 2012년 올림픽 그리고 런던 올림픽 10m권총에서 금메달을 획득처음 갖는 개인전 세계 타이틀이다.


따라서 이번 인천 아시안게임에서도 금메달 획득이 유력시되고 있다.

진종오는 전날 50m 권총 단체전에서도 은메달을 획득한 바 있다.

<에디터 황기철>


South Korea's Jin Jong-oh celebrates after winning the men's 10m air pistol final at the London 2012

Olympic Games in the Royal Artillery Barracks at Woolwich in London July 28, 2012.



South Korea shooter Jin wins world title, breaks record


Credit: Reuters/Eddie Keogh
(Reuters) - Triple Olympic champion Jin Jong-oh will be on a high heading into this month's Asian Games in Incheon after breaking a long-standing record and winning the 50 metres pistol event at the shooting world championships.


The South Korean scored a combined 583 points on the way to winning the title in Granada on Tuesday, breaking the world record set by Russian Alexander Melentiev at the 1980 Olympics by two points.


It was a first individual world title for Jin, who won 50m pistol gold at the 2008 and 2012 Olympics and also added the 10m title at the London Games.


"Every time I shot a match, ever since I started competing, I have been trying to reach that result. It feels awesome," Jin told the International Shooting Sport Federation's (ISSF)'s official website.


The 34-year-old won 50m team gold at the 2010 World Championships in Munich, and 10m and 50m team gold at the Asian Games in Guangzhou the same year.


"Winning the world championship title is a great achievement for me," added Jin, who scored 192.3 points in the final and hopes to win a fourth Olympic gold in 2016.


"The road to Rio is still long. I will have to shoot well in the next two years to be there."


India's Jitu Rai won silver after scoring 191.1 points in the final and China's Pang Wei took bronze (172.6).

The shooting competition at the 17th Asian Games in Incheon, west of Seoul, starts on Sept. 20.

(Reporting by Peter Rutherford; Editing by Nick Mulvenney)




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