호주의 기발한 컨셉의 절벽 주택 Concept house is pinned to the side of a cliff VIDEO


아찔한 절벽에 매달린 기발한 컨셉의 절벽 주택

인도양을 바라보며 호주 남서부 해안에 위치한 5층짜리 이 주택은 출입용 에스컬레이터가 설치되어 있다.

여기에서 살면 인생에 최고의 삶의 가치를 누릴 수도 있겠지만 아무나 살 수 있는 공간은 아닐 것 같다.


이 클립하우스 디자인은 프리패브 전문업체인 Modscape Concept에서 디자인했다.

<에디터 황기철>


Now that's living on the edge!

Concept house is pinned to the side of a cliff with unrivalled views of the Indian Ocean


Cliff House will extend off a vertical rock face and be anchored to the cliff side with support beams.

Each floor of the five-storey dwelling will be held together by engineered steel pins 


The concept home hangs off a precipice on Australia's southwest coast
Living areas are stacked on top of each other and accessible via an escalator
Five-storey property is designed to have stunning views of the Indian Ocean


By Anucyia Victor for MailOnline
If you've ever wanted to have the ocean right at your door, this concept property on the Australian southwest coast seems to be precariously clinging to the side of a cliff - just metres above the sea.
The aptly named Cliff House extends off a vertical rock face and is anchored to the cliff side with support beams.

Cliff House was conceived of by Australian prefab architecture specialists Modscape Concept, who were inspired by the shape of barnacles clinging to the hull of a ship.


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The concept home, which seems to almost propel off the overhang, makes the property look as if it is an extension of the landscape. On their website, the architects say that their aim is to create 'an absolute connection with the ocean.'
The five-storey home will be made from prefab modules which are arranged in a vertical floor plan.
Each ‘room’ or floor will then be stacked atop the other and held in place with engineered steel pins which are driven into the cliff face.

Residents will enter the property from the cliff top at floor level and will use an elevator or stairs to descend to the bedroom, living area and kitchen.

Minimalist styling

Minimalist styling: Gorgeous, unbroken views of the Indian Ocean await

On their website

On their website, the architects say that that they were aiming to create 'an absolute connection with the ocean.'

The lowest floor of the concept home will comprise an outdoor space which seemingly floats about the water and a stunning – if rather scary – view of the ocean awaits.
The distinctive design solution came about after Modscape Concept were asked by a couple to create a property on Australia’s southwest coast, where they owned some land.


Construction News
