호주 '이스트 웨스트 링크 프로젝트' 우선협상자 발표 East West Link toll road a step closer as consortium chosen


'이스트 웨스트 링크 프로젝트' 삼성물산 컨소시엄 탈락


호주 민관협력개발사업(PPP)인 '이스트 웨스트 링크 프로젝트'의 우선협상자가 결정됐다.


총 3개의 컨소시엄이 경합을 벌인 결과 '이스트웨스트커넥트 컨소시엄'이 최종 선정됐으며 한국의 삼성물산이 포함된 '이너링크 컨소시엄'은 아쉽게도 탈락하고 말았다.


애초 삼성물산과 함께 호주 회사들로 구성된 '이너링크 컨소시엄'이 유리할 것이라는 예상을 깬 결과이다.


호주 빅토리아 주정부가 발주한 이 사업은 '이스턴프리웨이~시티링크'를 연결하는 도로와 터널공사로서  최종 우선협상권자로 선정된 'East West Connect 컨소시엄'은 60~80억불에 달하는 프로젝트에 대해 호주 주정부와최종협상를 벌이게 되며 주 정부에서 30억불의 공공재원이 조달된다.


우선협상이 순조롭게 진행될 경우 올해 11월까지 계약한 후 올해 말에 공사를 착수할 예정이며 2019~2020년에 완공될 것으로

예상하고 있다.

<에디터 황기철>


Map of East West Link. Source: News Limited


by: Matt Johnston From: Herald Sun September 09, 2014 9:59AM
FINAL negotiations over the $6-8 billion East West Link contract have begun after the preferred consortium to build stage one of the toll road was selected.

Federal Assistant Infrastructure Minister Jamie Briggs and Victorian Treasurer Michael O’Brien said the preferred bidder was East West Connect, a group that built Peninsula Link and international projects such as the Port of Miami Tunnel.

The consortium includes Capella Capital, Lend Lease, Acciona Infrastructure and the Bouygues group.

It will now begin final negotiations with the government before a contract is signed.

Mr Briggs said this meant construction would kick off late this year.


“The East West Link will create thousands of new jobs, slash travel times for motorists and unlock the economic capacity of Victoria’s transport network, which is why we are providing $3 billion towards both stages of the project,” Mr Briggs said.


Mr O’Brien said the Napthine Government would now enter into exclusive negotiations with East West Connect “to deliver what is one of the world’s largest infrastructure projects currently out to tender”.


“East West Connect has significant experience in delivering projects of this size and scale both in Australia and overseas,” he said.


The tender process had involved three bidders, and that was whittled down to two recently.


The East West Connect group beat the Inner Link Group, which included Samsung, Cintra, Transfield, Macquarie, Uberior Instrastructure and Ferrovial Agroman.


A contract is expected to be signed by October.


Transport Minister Terry Mulder said the project “is part of an integrated solution to improve connectivity across Victoria’s road network”.




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