미국의 인기 건설업종 10 Best Construction Jobs 10



건설 불경기로 고용률이 둔화되긴 했어도 건설직종은 아직은 미국에서 유망한 분야에 속한다.


미 노동부는 2022년까지 건설분야가 2.6% 성장률과 1.6백만명에게 새 일자리를 제공할 것으로 예측하고

앞으로 유망하고 인기있는 건설 직종과 2022년 고용 전망을 아래와 같이 분석했다,





Despite a rough patch in employment during the recession, construction is still a promising sector. In its most recent projections report, the Labor Department predicted overall employment growth of 2.6 percent – or 1.6 million new jobs – for the workers who create, repair and enhance our infrastructure.


And the opportunities aren't limited to hard hat-wearing occupations.

Learn more about the construction jobs we consider a cut above the rest, and read more on how we rank the best jobs



미국의 인기 건설업종 10  Best Construction Jobs 10



#1 Construction Manager 건설사업관리자


현장의 공정을 예측하고 공사비 예산을 관리한다.

건설관리 건축 엔지니어링 분야의 학사학위 소지자들이 향후 10년간 8만여명의 이 분야에 일할 것으로 예상하고 있다.

This is one of the hardest jobs on a construction site. A construction manager plans, helps budget and oversees the project from start to finish. The nearly 80,000 new managers expected to enter the field this decade should pursue a bachelor's degree in construction management, architecture or engineering.

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#2  Cost Estimator 원가관리사, 적산사


원가관리사는 현장의 기술적 기계적 회계적 요구조건 등을 결정하기 위하여 현장 엔지니어 건축사 현장공사팀장 등을 보조하는

역할을 한다. 2022년까지 26%가 증가할 것으로 예상하고 있다.

Before the first hammer is swung, a cost estimator coordinates with engineers, architects and construction managers to determine the technical, mechanical and fiscal requirements of a project. These hyper-organized critical thinkers could see their workforce swell by more than 26 percent before 2022.

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#3  Glazier 유리공


미 노동부는 이 직종이 건설업종 평균 보다 훨씬 더 빠르게 성장할 것으로 예상하고 있다,

많은 사람들이 생소한 직종임에도 불구하고...아이러니한 일이다.

It's ironic that the Labor Department predicts faster than average job growth for glaziers, considering many people have never heard of this profession. Here's a hint: You look through their handiwork everyday. Glaziers are responsible for cutting and installing the glasswork on buildings, and there should be 8,000 new job openings before 2022.

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#4  Plumber 배관공


배관공이 없으면 어떻게 될까? 현장이나 일상생활에서 없어서는 안되는 필수 직종이다.

What would we do without plumbers? (And gracious, what would our homes smell like?) These highly trained and extra essential professionals install, inspect and repair the pipes and fixtures that carry water, steam, air and gas.

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#5  Structural Iron and Steelworker 철골/철근공


고소공포증 있는 사람은 절대할 수 없는 직종이다. 초고층의 건물 꼭대기에 강재 빔을 설치해야 하기때문이다.

미 노동부는 2022년까지 13천명의 새로운 일자리가 제공될 것으로 예측하고 있다.

This isn't an occupation for those afraid of heights. Structural iron and steel workers erect steel beams, girders and columns at towering heights and in nearly every type of weather. The Labor Department predicts there will be nearly 13,000 new openings created for this construction job by 2022.

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#6  Painter 도색공


전문기술자가 되기 위해 OJT(현장실습)가 2000시간 정도 되는 3~4년간의 견습 기간을 갖는다.

2022년까지 62천개의 일자리가 창출될 것으로 보고 있다.

There’s more to being a professional painter than having an eye for color. Those in the trade have undergone a three- or four-year apprenticeship that includes about 2,000 hours of on-the-job training to learn about paint, stain and coatings and how they interact with various surfaces. By 2022, there will be more than 62,000 new painter positions.

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Sheet Metal Worker 박판공, 도금공


5년의 견습기간이 소요되며 현장 취업은 건설업종 중 최고이다.

안정적인 성장이 지속될 것이며 2022년까지 22천개의 일자리가 만들어질 것으로 예상하고 있다.
Job opportunities in this field are best for sheet metal workers who complete a five-year formal apprenticeship. But don't worry about the length of training: The Labor Department expects this occupation to grow steadily for quite some time. By 2022, there could be 22,000 new job openings.

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Carpenter 목수

목수는 건설업종 중 가장 광범위한 직종 중 하나이다.

미 노동부는 2022년까지  산업전반에 걸쳐 218천명이 일할 수 있을 것을 예상하고 있다.
Carpentry is one of the most versatile occupations in construction, since its professionals are trained to handle both small tasks, like constructing kitchen cabinets, and large jobs, like repairing bridges. The Labor Department reports that by the year 2022, there should be an impressive 218,200 new workers in residential, commercial and industrial carpentry.

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Electrician 전기공


전례에  따르면 18세기 피뢰침을 발명한 벤자민 프랭클린이 첫 전기공으로 알려있다.

오늘날 전기공사는 마우 안전한 시스템을 갖추고 있다.

2022년까지 115천개의 일자리가 만들어질 것으로 예상하고 있다.
According to legend, Benjamin Franklin became our first electrician when he flew his 18th-century kite in a lightning storm. Today's electricians take a much safer approach to installing and maintaining electrical and lighting systems. The Labor Department forecasts nearly 115,000 new electrician job openings by 2022.

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Construction Worker 건설 인부


보통 일반 건설인부는 터널굴착이나 도로보수, 고층빌딩 건설현장에서 일하게 된다.

2022년까지 259천개의 일자리가 만들어질 것으로 보고 있다.
Do you like variety in where you work and what you do? If so, this could be the job for you. General construction workers help with digging tunnels underground, repairing highways on the ground and constructing skyscrapers up above. By 2022, there will be an astronomical 259,800 new positions in this occupation.

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