아름다운 12명의 대머리 모델들이 영국의 탈모증으로 고통받는 사람들을 위한 기금운동의 일환으로
누드 캘린더 촬영에 포즈를 취하고 있다.
2015년 아름다운 대머리 누드 캘린더는 10파운드(약 16불)로 아래 웹사이트를 통해서 구입할 수 있다.
PrettyBald's website.
Bald is beautiful!
Twelve women with no hair pose for nude calendar raising funds for Alopecia UK
•Twelve models who have alopecia pose nude for fundraising calendar
•Pretty Bald 2015 calendar costs £10 and is available online through their website
A unique nude calendar challenges perceptions of beauty with its twelve stunning models - who all have no hair.
The 2015 charity calendar from PrettyBald is themed around a girls' country weekend. Each photo features a country house, fast car, croquet, tea party - or even wellies - and of course beautiful bald models baring all.
The light-hearted pictures also feature wigs in places one wouldn't normally find them.
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The front cover of PrettyBald's 2015 charity calendar features alopecia sufferers
The fundraising calendar wants to show that bald is beautiful to anyone who has no hair, whether they have cancer, thinning hair, scarring or alopecia.
All of the models have alopecia and the calendar will raise funds for Alopecia UK
Organiser Victoria says: 'Having had Alopecia for nearly three years, I'm pretty comfortable in my own skin and am really open about Alopecia, mostly because I have a fantastic support network.
'Many people I have met really struggle with the condition and it becomes a barrier to doing what they want and being who they want to be.
'Education is really important, and in a moment of madness one evening I thought: "Why not get our kit off and raise awareness of the condition!"
Whether you have cancer, thinning hair, scarring or Alopecia, this calendar aims to showcase and raise awareness of lovely ladies (and gents) without hair
'There are many nude calendars out there, but I don't think any can claim to be as challenging as this one was - for many of the girls, this was the first in public without their hair and they're prepared to share that with the world! Amazing!
'I am so proud of what has been achieved and hope it can play a small part in raising awareness of alopecia, and funds for Alopecia UK.
'Thanks to all our sponsors, particularly head sponsor Follea, who have made this project possible!'The calendar costs £10 and is available through PrettyBald's website.
What is alopecia? 탈모증이란?
Hair loss is technically known as alopecia.
There are two main types - areata, which is sudden, and androgenetica, which is the normal hair loss that men suffer and is sometimes known as male pattern baldness.
Alopecia areata is divided into three types, depending on how much hair is lost. In its most common form, it results in patchy baldness on the scalp, leaving areas of bare skin which is smooth to the touch.
Where the scalp loses all its hair, it is called alopecia totalis. Sometimes all hair on the body and scalp is suddenly lost, a condition known as alopecia universalis.
Alopecia is not physically dangerous and does not cause any scarring - but it can be devastating psychologically.
Alopecia can affect anyone: it occurs in males and females of all ages and races, although it tends to be more common in childhood through to early adulthood.
Some studies have found that women are more likely to be affected by alopecia than men.