엄마 목소리 처음 들은 '청각장애 아기'의 환한 웃음 Deaf Baby Hearing for the First Time Video Goes Viral Video
아기는 태어났을 때 두 귀가 들리지 않았다.
7주가 지났을 때 처음으로 병원을 찾아 치료를 받았고 보청기를 꼈다.보청기를 끼워줄 때 놀라서
얼굴을 찌푸리며 울던 아기는 처음으로 들려오는 소리에 눈이 휘둥그레졌다.
계속 들려오는 이상한 소리에 놀라 두 눈을 크게 떴지만, 엄마의 목소리를 듣고는 이내 웃음을 지었다.
아기의 가족은 지난 8월 31일 이 동영상을 올리며 올해 2살이 된 아이가 잘 크고 있다는 글을 남겼다.
허핑턴포스트코리아 | 작성자 권복기
Deaf Baby Hearing for the First Time Video Goes Viral
The adorable reaction that a deaf baby boy had the first time he ever heard this parents voices has gone viral on YouTube. The Australian baby was born deaf, and his parents, who filmed the moment when he was fitted with a hearing aid, recently released the video so that the world could see his reaction.
The baby boy, Lachlan Lever, was born with a condition that meant he had moderate to severe deafness in both of his ears. At seven weeks old, the infant was fitted with a hearing aid to restore some of his ability to hear sounds. The YouTube video shows how initially, little Lachlan is upset about having the hearing aid fitted. He begins to sniffle and cry a bit. Then, when he hears the voices of his parents for the first time, the baby displays absolute pleasure.
A smile broadens across his little face as he seems to concentrate on the sounds that he is experiencing. Lachlan’s parents said that they “cried from happiness” when they watched their baby hear for the first time. His parents describe his reaction as “truly amazing” when the hearing aid was initially switched on.
The video of this deaf baby hearing his first sounds as recently gone viral on YouTube, despite it being two years old already. Lachlan’s parents only decided recently to release the video of their child publicly. Lachlan is now two years old and is reported to be “doing remarkably well.”
In the week since the hearing aid video was released it has had over five million views and over 1,000 people have commented on the happiness that they felt when viewing the babies reaction to sound. Comments describe the scene as “a beautiful moment” one viewer wrote that the smile on Lachlan’s face was “priceless.”
Some commenters have noted that it seems to be the case that Lachlan recognizes the voices of his parents, and ponder why that is if he was deaf in the womb. The question as to how and why the baby was able to know the sounds of his parents voices was answered by a commenter who suggested that this could be possible as sounds are transmitted though liquids and solids more efficiently than they are transmitted though air. The commenter theorizes that as the human body is over 70 percent water, and the baby is surrounded by amniotic fluid, sound is very efficiently communicated in this internal environment.
Ultimately, this would mean that more sound energy was able to reach Lachlan’s auditory nerve when he was in the womb than after he was born. Babies can be born deaf for a number of reasons including genetic and hereditary factors, birth complications and infection. Hearing loss or deafness is often more on a spectrum of hearing, rather than an absolute ability to hear or not to hear.
Development of the structures necessary to hear is usually compete by the time that a fetus is 24 weeks old. At this time a baby in the womb will be able to hear noises and sounds. A study published in the journal ACTA Paediatrica last year showed that neonates do demonstrate prenatal language learning as the infants studied responded to the vowel sounds of their native language more than they did those of foreign languages, even straight after being born.
Baby Lachlan certainly demonstrated interest and possibly recognition when he heard his parents voices for the first time. The moment that he received his first hearing aid has gone viral and his reaction has captured the hearts of YouTube viewers worldwide.
By Tabitha Farrar |
Arts & Culture