美 여배우들 누드 사진 유출, 아이클라우드 해킹 의혹 Naked photos may have been passed around online club for MONTHS VIDEO






미국 아카데미상을 받은 제니퍼 로렌스 등 유명 여배우와 가수들의 사적인 누드사진 등이 인터넷에 유출돼, 미 연방수사국(FBI)이 대응에 나서는 사태로 발전하고 있다고 AP통신이 1일 보도했다.


미 언론에 따르면, 사진은 미국 애플의 데이터 보관∙공유 서비스인 “아이클라우드”의 유명인 계정이 해킹돼 도난당했을 의혹을 받고 있다. 제니퍼 로렌스 측은 “심한 사생활 침해”라며 수사 당국과 접촉하고 있음을 밝히는 성명을 냈다.


AP통신에 따르면, 애플 홍보담당자도 사실관계를 조사 중이라고 밝혔다. 누드사진 유출은 여배우 메리 엘리자베스 윈스티드도 트위터에서 확인했지만 “아이클라우드 상에서 오래전에 지웠다”고 전했다.


다만, 유출된 것으로 보이는 사진 중에는 바로 “가짜”로 인정된 것도 많으며, 피해가 어느 정도 확산하고 있는지는 불분명하다

[워싱턴 교도]


New wave of leaks target more celebrities as authorities prove

unable to stop spread as it emerges naked photos may have been

passed around online club for MONTHS


More 'nude' photos of celebrities have been leaked online, it emerged today
They are alleged to feature stars Jessica Brown Findlay and Aubrey Plaza
Video reportedly showing actress Jennifer Lawrence has also been leaked
FBI said it is addressing allegations that stars' online accounts were hacked
Reddit users have discussed supposed release of previously unseen images
Allegations the leak is product of an 'underground celeb n00d-trading ring'

Last night, Apple finally admitted it has launched investigation into the hack
Claims flaw in iCloud's 'Find My iPhone' function could have helped hacker


By David Mccormack and Paul Chavez and Zoe Szathmary and Sophie Jane Evans for MailOnline
A new wave of 'nude' celebrity photos have been leaked online amid claims the graphic images may have been passed around an online club for months.


The previously unseen pictures are alleged to feature Parks and Recreation actress Aubrey Plaza, Downton Abbey star Jessica Brown Findlay and American Idol Season 12 contestant Tenna Torres.


A video, reportedly showing American actress Jennifer Lawrence, has also been leaked online. Brown Findlay also allegedly features in a video.


It follows the publication of naked photos of Lawrence and '100 other celebrities', including supermodel Kate Upton and actress Mary Elizabeth Winstead, on Sunday night.

The FBI said yesterday it was addressing allegations that the hacker broke into stars' online accounts, before stealing their personal images and publishing them on 4chan, the anonymous image-sharing forum. However, it remains powerless to stop the continued spread of photos.


Last night, Reddit users took to a special subsection of the social networking site devoted to the leaks, called Fappening, to discuss the supposed release of a new wave of naked images.


Scroll down for video

A video The previously unseen pictures are alleged to include snaps of Downton Abbey star Jessica Brown Findlay

Leak: A new wave of 'naked' celebrity pictures have been leaked online, including ones allegedly featuring Jessica Brown Findlay (right). A video, reportedly showing Jennifer Lawrence (left), has also been leaked online

The previously unseen pictures are alleged to feature Downton Abbey star Jessica Brown Findlay ss src

Affected: The previously unseen pictures are alleged to include snaps of Parks and Recreation actress Aubrey Plaza (left) and American Idol Season 12 contestant Tenna Torres (right)

'Video': A series of X-rated videos of 24-year-old Findlay, who played Lady Sybil Crawley in the drama Downton Abbey (pictured), have also been leaked. A spokesman for the actress has confirmed that the videos are of her

Indeed, the internet is awash with speculation about the source of the leak. According to one anonymous 4chan poster, the release of nude photographs of celebrities was the product of an ‘underground celeb n00d-trading ring'.

The poster claimed the ring had been in operation for months and posters would trade or sell the photos they retrieved between each other.
Another poster, who claims to have been involved, wrote on AnonIB that the hacking had been ‘several months’ in the making and the nude photos were the result of ‘several months of long and hard work by all involved.’


Meanwhile, one person claiming responsibility for the leak has claimed online to have a sex video of Lawrence and is reportedly accepting Paypal donations for the video.

‘I know no one will believe me, but i have a short lawrence video,’ the hacker wrote. ‘Is way too short, a little over 2 minutes and you only get to see her boobs.
‘Anyways, if somebody wants it let me know how i can upload it anonymously (i dont want the FBI over me, and you dont wanna know how I got this video.)’.


Hacked: It follows the publication of naked photos of Lawrence and '100 other celebrities', including supermodel Kate Upton (pictured) and actress Mary Elizabeth Winstead, on Sunday night


A flaw in the  A flaw in the

Hacked? A flaw in the 'Find My iPhone' function (right) of Apple's iCloud service (left) may have helped the anonymous hacker to steal nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence and '100 other celebrities', it yesterday emerged

Hacked: It follows the publication of naked photos of Lawrence and '100 other celebrities', including supermodel Kate Upton (pictured) and actress Mary Elizabeth Winstead, on Sunday night
Hacked? A flaw in the 'Find My iPhone' function (right) of Apple's iCloud service (left) may have helped the anonymous hacker to steal nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence and '100 other celebrities', it yesterday emerged




One of the women named as an alleged victim - but who has not had any of her supposedly nude photographs leaked - was Cara Delevingne The hacker also claimed to have posted nude images of Kirsten Dunst

One of the women named as an alleged victim - but who has not had any of her supposedly nude photos leaked - was Cara Delevingne (left). The hacker also claimed to have posted nude images of Kirsten Dunst (right)



Sarcastic: The Spiderman star tweeted 'Thank you iCloud' along with icons representing a slice of pizza and a pile of poo on Monday, the day after naked photos of the star were published online




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