대만, 안전논란으로 제4원전 완공 앞두고 봉인 Taiwan to halt construction of fourth nuclear power plant





Taiwan 's fourth nuclear power plant



대만이 마무리 공사 단계인 제4 원전 시설에 대한 봉인 절차에 들어갔다.

대만 경제부는 대만전력공사의 요청을 받아들여 이같이 결정했다고 31일 밝혔다.


당국은 국민투표를 통해 이 원전 시설의 완공 및 가동 여부가 결정될 때까지 앞으로 3년간 현 단계에서 공사를 중단할 계획인 것으로 전해졌다.


대만에서는 2011년 3월 동일본 대지진 이후 제4 원전 가동 문제를 놓고 갈등이 빚어졌다.


야권과 시민·사회단체는 환경적으로 대만도 지진이 빈번한 만큼 원전 안전성에 언제든 문제가 발생할 수 있다면서 제4 원전 건설 중단과 원자력 의존 정책 수정을 요구해 왔다.


1999년 시작된 제4 원전 공사는 현재 97.5%의 공정률을 보이고 있다.

이 사업에는 지금까지 3천300억 대만달러(약 11조 3천억원)의 예산이 투입됐다.


대만은 전체 에너지의 19%를 원자력, 77%를 화력발전 등에 의존하고 있다.





(타이베이=연합뉴스) 류성무 특파원




Taiwan to halt construction of fourth nuclear power plant


TAIPEI, April 27

(Reuters) - The Taiwan government will halt construction at the island's fourth nuclear power plant, an official said on Sunday, as local opposition to atomic energy continues to mount.


President Ma Ying-jeou met with lawmakers from his Kuomintang Party (KMT) and reached a decision to seal off the plant's first reactor after the completion of safety checks, KMT spokesman Fan Chiang Tai-chi told reporters.


Construction of the second reactor will be halted immediately, the spokesman added.


The move is the latest sign of pressure on Ma's administration from opposition parties and anti-nuclear activists, who are concerned about the safety of such facilities in earthquake-prone regions of Taiwan following the 2011 Fukushima disaster in Japan.


Tens of thousands of protesters gathered in downtown Taipei over the weekend, urging the government to abandon nuclear energy.


On Friday, Ma refused opposition demands for an immediate referendum on the future of Taiwan's contentious fourth nuclear plant, but reiterated that the government would hold such a vote before the facility starts operations.


The news triggered a 2 percent drop in Taiwan's share market due to fears higher electricity prices could dent the economy.

The fourth plant is located in northern New Taipei City.


Taiwan's three current nuclear power facilities would have to serve longer if the fourth one does not start operating as planned, the economics ministry has said.


Taiwan's first nuclear plant is set to be decommissioned from 2018-19, while the second is set to close between 2021 and 2023.


Some 40 percent of the island's electricity is generated by burning coal, 30 percent using natural gas and 18.4 percent by nuclear power plants, according to the economics ministry.


Taiwan sits near the so-called ring of fire region of seismic activity around the Pacific Ocean. (Reporting by Faith Hung; Editing by Dale Hudson)


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