세계의 군사력 TOP35...북한 잠수함수 세계 1위 The 35 Most Powerful Militaries In The World
*붉은 박스: 세계 1위 무기 보유력 표시
한국은 세계 9위의 군사력으로 평가되고 있으며
북한의 군사력은 35위이나 주목할 것은 잠수함수가 78척으로 미국의 72척을 제치고
세계 1위로 랭크되어 있다.
The 35 Most Powerful Militaries In The World
Amanda Macias, Jeremy Bender and Skye Gould
There's only one true way to compare military strength, and thankfully we haven't had the opportunity to compare powerful countries in recent decades — though with a powder keg in the South China Sea, standoffs in Ukraine, and proxy wars throughout the Middle East, we are alarmingly close.
For a simpler evaluation of military power, we turn to the Global Firepower Index, a ranking of 106 nations based on more than 50 factors including overall military budget, available manpower, and the amount of equipment each country has in its respective arsenal, as well as access to resources.
The index focuses on quantity, ignoring significant quantitative differences (North Korea's 78 submarines, for instance, aren't exactly state of the art). It also does not factor in nuclear stockpiles — still the ultimate trump card in geopolitics. It also does not penalize landlocked nations for lack of a standing navy.
We've created a chart to compare the top 35 militaries according to the Global Firepower Index. The ranking, released in April, involves a complex set of data that is subject to ongoing adjustments and corrections.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/35-most-powerful-militaries-in-the-world-2014-7#ixzz38iqlebDJ
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