감동의 칸느 광고제 베스트 유튜브 광고 Top5 Cannes to Cannes: YouTube's most viewed ads VIDEO 5



1. Budweiser "Superbowl XLVIII commercial - Puppy Love" by Anomaly

버드와이저 광고

'강아지 사랑'

48회 슈퍼볼 광고로 제작된 강아지와 말과의 우정을 그렸다.

Budweiser went for adorable with this video featuring the famous Clydesdale horses and a playful puppy. The ad aired during the Superbowl and won USA TODAY's annula Ad Meter contest. It went on to earn more than 50 million YouTube views.


2. Turkish Airlines "Kobe vs. Messi: The Selfie" by Crispin Porter + Bogusky

터키 항공 광고

'코비대 메시 셀피 대결'

미국 농구스타 코비와 아르헨티나 축구 스타 메시가 세계각국에서 벌이는 셀카 대결

Turkish Airlines takes viewers around the globe as basketball star Kobe Bryant takes on soccer great Lionel Messi in a war of selfies. The tagline "Widen Your World" is used to promote the number of available destinations from Turkish Airlines.


"Selfies were the perfect vehicle because they are pictures of ourselves in a place and a moment in time that we are so excited to be in that we just have to share it," said Genevieve Sexton, business director for Crispin Porter + Bogsky.

Turkish Airlines Kobe vs. Messi: Legends on Board came in second on the same list in 2013. Kobe vs. Messi: The Selfie amassed more than 137 million views




3. YouTube "YouTube Rewind: What does 2013 say?" by Portal-A


'2013년유튜브 회상'

2013년에 인기를 끌었던 광고를 모아놓았다. 싸이 젠틀맨이 배경음악으로 사용됐다.

YouTube came in second on its own list with an ad for itself. The video is an annual creation featuring culturally defining YouTube moments from the previous year. Popular YouTube personalities paid homage to the Harlem Shake, Ylvis and fox noises and Kid President among other viral YouTube phenoms.



4. WREN "First Kiss" directed by Tatia Pilieva

'첫 키스'

여성의류브랜드 '렌'이 일면식 없는 사람들끼리 '키스'를 제안

This video from clothing designer WREN went viral - wracking up more than 24 million views in its first 48 hours - by making viewers and participants uncomfortable. Creators asked complete strangers of all ages, orientations and nationalities to kiss for the first time.




5. Volvo Trucks "The Epic Split featuring Van Damme" by Forsman & Bodenfors


'반담의 위대함'

볼보트럭의 성능을 반담의 스턴트 연기로 보여주는 광고

This product demo from Volvo was predicted to do well at the 2014 Cannes festival by agencies across the board. Jean-Claude Van Damme performs his famous split between two reversing Volvo trucks in a captivating yet simple video advertisement.





황기철 @conpaper



