미국 후드 운하 플로팅 교량 Hood Canal Floating Bridge VIDEO







후드 운하교량은 미국 워싱턴 104번 도로로서 올림픽과 키트샙 사이의 후드운하를 연결하는 플로팅 교량이다.


총 2398m길이에 운하부분은 1988m로 세계에서 3번째로 긴 부체교량(Floating bridge)이다.


1961년에 개통되었으며 워싱턴의 2번째 콘크리트 부체교로서 지역주민의 이용과 물류운반에 많은 기여를하고 있으며 관광지로서도 많은 인기를 얻고 있다.


이 교량은 지역의 경제발전에 많은 영향을 끼쳐왔는데 특히 동부 제퍼슨 지역 발전에 많은 역할을 하고 있다.


원래 지역건설 책임자인 William A. Bugge(1900~1992)의 이름을 딴  'William A. Bugge Bridge가 공식 교량명인데 현재는 'Hood Canal Bridge'로 더 많이 알려져 있다.


Official name William A. Bugge Bridge
Other name(s) Hood Canal Floating Bridge

Location Kitsap and Jefferson counties, Washington


The Hood Canal Bridge (officially William A. Bugge Bridge) is a floating bridge located in the U.S. state of Washington that carries Washington State Route 104 across Hood Canal and connects the Olympic and Kitsap Peninsulas.


At 7,869 feet (2,398 m) long, (floating portion 6,521 feet (1,988 m)) it is the longest floating bridge in the world located in a saltwater tidal basin, and the third longest floating bridge overall.


First opened in 1961, it was the second concrete floating bridge constructed in Washington. Since that time, it has become a vital link for local residents, freight haulers, commuters, and recreational travelers.


The convenience it provides has had a major impact on economic development, especially in eastern Jefferson County.


The bridge is officially named after the director of the Department of Highways, William A. Bugge (1900–1992), from 1949 to 1963 who was a leader in the planning and construction of the bridge.


The bridge, however, has continued to be popularly known as the Hood Canal Bridge.




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