이라크의 '킬링필드' Iraq's killing fields



Forensic analysis: Human Rights Watch has produced a series of graphics like this which they say document the execution of at least 160 Iraqi prisoners in two locations in Tikrit over four days after cross-referencing landmarks and individuals in various images with satellite photographs


지하드(이라크 성전주의자)에 의해서 알려진 끔찍한 사진들과 인공위성에 의한 분석에 의하면 수니파 반군(叛軍) '이라크·시리아 이슬람 국가 'ISIS'가 최근 4일동안에만 최대 190명을 학살하는 만행을 저지른 것으로 알려졌다.


시리아전투기가  ISIS 주둔지 공습하므로서 이라크 사태는 중동전으로 확산조짐을 보이고 있다.


Iraq's killing field: ISIS massacred up to 190 prisoners in Tikrit in just four days, according to analysis of satellite images and horrific pictures posted by jihadists

By Simon Tomlinson

Published: 09:45 GMT, 27 June 2014 | Updated: 10:03 GMT, 27 June 2014


Iraqi insurgents executed at least 160 prisoners in just four days in the northern city of Tikrit, according to a human rights group which cited analysis of satellite imagery and shocking photographs released by the militants.

The U.S.-based Human Rights Watch said militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) killed between 160 and 190 men in two locations in Tikrit between June 11 and June 14.


'The number of victims may well be much higher, but the difficulty of locating bodies and accessing the area has prevented a full investigation,' it said.

After overrunning large swaths of northern Iraq and capturing the cities of Mosul and Tikrit earlier this month, the Islamic extremist group posted graphic photos on a militant website that appeared to show fighters loading dozens of captured soldiers onto flatbed trucks.

They were then forced them to lie in a shallow ditch with their hands tied behind their backs. A final set of photos shows bodies piled up.

Peter Bouckaert, emergencies director at Human Rights Watch, said in a statement: 'The photos and satellite images from Tikrit provide strong evidence of a horrible war crime that needs further investigation.'




The U

The U.S.-based group said militants from ISIS killed between 160 and 190 men in two locations in Tikrit between June 11 and June 14. The first location is seen above

Forensic src

Forensic: HRW said satellite imagery of the site from June 16 (right) did not reveal bodies, but showed indications of vehicles and earth movement when compared with an image from 2013


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