오만 철도프로젝트 PMC, 3개 컨소시엄 압축...한국 리딩컨소시엄 Shortlist for PMC Tenders Announced for Oman Railway



from scitech-tv


from motc.gov




철도시설공단, 최저가 투찰

3개 컨소시엄 중 경쟁력 가장 높아 수주 유력

중국 포함된 KRNA컨소시엄도 무시 못해

라마단 지난 후 8월경 최종 발표


철도시설공단 컨소시엄 RO 32 million($83million)

스페인 Tecnicas Reunidas 컨소시엄 RO 59.5 million($155million)

파슨스 컨소시엄 RO 78 million($203million)

*I RO=2.6$




[PMC,Project Management Consultancy]

프로젝트 사업관리 

프로젝트의 목적물을 달성하기 위해 전담조직을 구성하여고, 규정된 관리체계에 따라 프로젝트를 실행하는 전문사업관리를 의미한다. PMC는 프로젝트 초기 사업성에 대한 타당성분석(Feasibility Study), 계약협상(Contracts Negotiation), 프로젝트금융(Project Financing), 사업위험관리(Risk Management) 를 비롯하여 설계(Design), 구매조달(Procurement), 일정(Time), 비용(Cost), 품질(Quality) 및 운영유지관리(O&M) 등 프로젝트 전반에 대한 종합적이고 체계적인 지식이 필요하다.

PMC를 총괄하는 책임자를 PMr이라고 부른다. kcontents



By Sam Applegate on May 01, 2014 in Infrastructure, Oman

The shortlist for the Project Management Consultancy (PMC) for the construction of the Oman railway network has been announced.


Three consortia from the Far East and Europe have been announced, with the leading consortium being based in South Korea.


The leading consortium on the shortlist is the Korea Rail Network Authority, led by the South Korean government rail organisation.


This bid the lowest, at RO 32 million, and is favoured due to the Korean government offering support above and beyond the remit of the contract in question.


The other two consortia were Tecnicas Reunidas, led by a Spanish firm which quoted RO 59.5 million, and Parsons International which quoted RO 78 million.


The winner of the tender will be adjudged by the Omani government on financial merit (30% of the weighting) and technical merit (70% of the weighting). KRNA is widely rumoured to be the favoured consortium due to the weight of expertise it brings, including a Chinese company that has built over 11000 km of high speed track on projects around the world.





Korean-led group bids lowest for Oman Rail PMC package

02nd, March 2014



황기철 @conpaper


