트럼프 경기부양책 서명에 뉴욕 3대 지수 폭등 VIDEO: Stimulus update: House approves Trump's $2K checks, sending to GOP-led Senate

Stimulus update: House approves Trump's $2K checks, sending to GOP-led Senate

By Jill Colvin, Lisa Mascaro and Andrew Taylor, Associated Press

The House voted Monday to increase COVID-19 relief checks to $2,000, meeting President Donald Trump's demand for bigger payments and sending the bill to the GOP-controlled Senate, where the outcome is uncertain.



트럼프 경기부양책 서명에 뉴욕 3대 지수 폭등

  도널드 트럼프 대통령이 27일(현지시각) 2조3천달러(약 2522조원)에 달하는 대규모 경기부양책과 2021회계연도 예산안에 서명했다. 통신품위법 230조는 트럼프가 요구하던 대로 삭제하고, 부정선거 의혹에 관해서도 조사하기로 의회가 합의한 데 따른 것이다.

중공 바이러스 확산에 따른 구제예산 9천억달러(약990조원)와 1조4천억달러(약 1540조원)의 연방정부 등에 관한 이번 예산안이 확정되면서, 미국민 수백만명에 대한 추가 실업급여 지원이 제공되고, 연방정부 셧다운 위기도 피하게 됐다.

에포크 타임스

뉴욕증시 3대 주요 지수 사상 최고치

뉴욕증시가 도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령이 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 재정부양책에 서명한 영향으로 일제히 상승했다. 28일(현지시간) 뉴욕증권거래소(NYSE)에서 다우존스30 산업평균지수는 전장보다 204.10포인트(0.68%) 상승한 30,403.97에 마감됐다.

(서울=연합뉴스) 장예진 기자 =  jin34@yna.co.kr

edited by kcontents

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. -- The House voted overwhelmingly Monday to increase COVID-19 relief checks to $2,000, meeting President Donald Trump's demand for bigger payments and sending the bill to the GOP-controlled Senate, where the outcome is uncertain.

Democrats led passage, 275-134, their majority favoring additional assistance, but dozens of Republicans joined in approval. Congress had settled on smaller $600 payments in a compromise over the big year-end relief bill Trump reluctantly signed into law. Democrats favored higher payments, but Trump's push put his GOP allies in a difficult spot.


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The vote deeply divided Republicans who mostly resist more spending. But many House Republicans joined in support, preferring to link with Democrats rather than buck the outgoing president. Senators were set to return to session Tuesday, forced to consider the measure.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared, "Republicans have a choice: Vote for this legislation or vote to deny the American people" the assistance she said they need during the pandemic.

The showdown could end up as more symbol than substance. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has declined to say publicly how the Senate will handle the bill when Democrats there try to push it forward for a vote on Tuesday.

The legislative action during the rare holiday week session may do little to change the $2 trillion-plus COVID-19 relief and federal spending package that Trump signed into law Sunday, one of the biggest bills of its kind providing relief for millions of Americans.

Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas, the chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, acknowledged the division and said Congress had already approved ample funds during the COVID-19 crisis. "Nothing in this bill helps anybody get back to work," he said.

Yahoo News

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The package the president signed into law includes two parts - $900 billion in COVID-19 aid and $1.4 trillion to fund government agencies. It will deliver long-sought cash to businesses and individuals and avert a federal government shutdown that otherwise would have started Tuesday, in the midst of the public health crisis.

Aside from the direct $600 checks to most Americans, the COVID-19 portion of the bill revives a weekly pandemic jobless benefit boost - this time $300, through March 14 - as well as a popular Paycheck Protection Program of grants to businesses to keep workers on payrolls. It extends eviction protections, adding a new rental assistance fund.

The COVID-19 package draws and expands on an earlier effort from Washington. It offers billions of dollars for vaccine purchases and distribution, for virus contact tracing, public health departments, schools, universities, farmers, food pantry programs and other institutions and groups facing hardship in the pandemic.

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