대우건설, 26억 불 규모 이라크 알포 신항만 공사 수주 VIDEO: Iraq to sign $2.625 bln Grand Faw port contract with S.Korea's Daewoo

Iraq to sign $2.625 bln Grand Faw port contract with S.Korea's Daewoo

Daweoo will also carry out dredging and drilling works to create an access navigation channel, Fartousi said. The first phase should allow the port to receive three million containers, he said, adding that the three construction phases in total should be finished in less than four years and that Iraq was ready to sign contracts with "any interested company" for the other phases.

Grand Faw port Baghdad - INA


로이터 "대우건설, 이라크 알포 신항만 공사 수주"

    이라크 정부가 한국의 대우건설과 알포 신항만 건설 1단계 계약을 체결하는 데 합의했다고 로이터 통신이 23일(현지시간) 보도했다.

통신은 고위 항만청 관계자를 인용해 대우건설이 이라크 남부 바스라주 알포(Al Faw) 신항만 건설의 1단계 공사를 맡게 됐으며, 계약 규모는 26억2천500만 달러(약 2조9천억 원)에 달한다고 전했다.

대우건설은 이미 알포 신항만 1단계 공사 중 방파제 공사를 비롯해 움 카스르(Umm Qasr)지역과 알 포 지역을 연결하는 침매터널 제작장 조성 공사, 진입도로 공사 등을 수주했다.

대우건설 측은 로이터 보도에 대해 "계약이 임박한 것은 맞지만, 공시사항이라서 확인해줄 수 없다"고 말했다.

이라크 알 포 신항만 공사 현장



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Iraq's government has agreed to sign a $2.625 billion contract with South Korea's Daewoo Engineering & Construction (047040.KS) to build the first phase of a giant commodities port in the south of the country, a port manager said on Wednesday. The long-planned and repeatedly delayed Grand Faw port is one of several projects that Iraq hopes will create a shorter transportation corridor between the Middle East and Europe, bypassing the Suez Canal.

Under the contract, expected to be signed on Sunday, Daewoo E&C will handle construction works that include building five berths to unload ships and a yard for containers, Farhan al-Fartousi, Iraq's director general at the General Company for Ports, told Reuters in Basra. Daweoo will also carry out dredging and drilling works to create an access navigation channel, Fartousi said.


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The first phase should allow the port to receive three million containers, he said, adding that the three construction phases in total should be finished in less than four years and that Iraq was ready to sign contracts with "any interested company" for the other phases. For now, to receive commodities ships, Iraq has to rely mainly on the port of Umm Qasr in the south of the country, which sits at the top of the strategic Gulf waterway.

The port of Faw will be deeper, allowing it to receive the largest container ships.



