오토데스크 설계로 제작한 미래형 자전거 VIDEO: Decathlon Reimagines Lighter, Stronger, More Sustainable Bicycle Using Autodesk Generative Design

Decathlon Reimagines Lighter, Stronger, More Sustainable Bicycle Using Autodesk Generative Design

A visionary creator of more than 3,000 recreation products annually, French sports equipment manufacturer and retailer Decathlon is racing to the front of the pack of companies capitalizing on technology that yields lighter, stronger, greener, more affordable, customized products. The latest from this global leader is what it calls a “vision project”–in this case exploring what’s possible through use of new manufacturing techniques and AI-powered design–as it develops a new high-performance bicycle with the potential to be custom 3D-printed from aluminum for each customer.


오토데스크 설계로 제작한 미래형 자전거

  매년 3,000개 이상의 레크리에이션 제품을 개발하는 프랑스 스포츠 장비 제조업체이자 소매업체인 데카슬론은 가볍고, 튼튼하고, 친환경적이며, 보다 저렴한 맞춤형 제품을 생산하는 기술을 활용하는 회사들의 선두로 질주하고 있다. 이 글로벌 리더가 최근에 발표한 내용은 이른바 "비전 프로젝트"다. 이 경우 새로운 제조 기술과 AI 기반 설계를 통해 무엇이 가능한지를 탐구하는 프로젝트다. 이 프로젝트는 고객별로 알루미늄으로 맞춤 3D 프린팅할 수 있는 새로운 고성능 자전거를 개발한다.

Declarc는 고유한 성능 및 환경 친화적인 프로토타입 구성요소를 설계, 제작 및 공개했다. 탄소 섬유(경량, 강력, 고성능 자전거의 전형적 소재이지만 재활용이 어렵기도 함)를 제거하고 대신 알루미늄에서 3D 프린팅할 계획을 세움으로써, Declarson은 이 미래형 경주용 자전거를 제작하여 배송하는 데 필요한 원자재와 교통 집약적인 운송을 모두 줄이는 것을 목표로 하고 있다.

이 프로젝트의 핵심인 오토데스크 설계는 설계 엔지니어에게 주어진 설계 문제에 대해 몇 분 또는 몇 시간 내에 수백, 심지어 수천 개의 잠재적 솔루션을 제공하는 인공지능(AI)의 한 형태다. 이 기술은 오토매틱의 Fusion 360 소프트웨어로 구동되며 알고리즘, 기계 학습 및 컴퓨터 기하학을 사용하여 설계자가 설정한 정확한 요구 사항과 제약 조건을 충족하는 여러 솔루션을 신속하게 생성한다. 그런 다음 요구 사항을 충족하는 최적화된 솔루션을 설계자에게 제공하여 고려 및 최적화한다. 이 프로세스는 제품 설계 방식을 근본적으로 바꿔준다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

edited by kcontents

With help from the generative design capabilities of Autodesk Fusion 360 software, Decathlon has designed, produced, and unveiled prototype components intended to be uniquely performant and environmentally friendly. By eschewing carbon fiber (the typical material for light, strong, high-performance bicycles, but also difficult to recycle) and planning instead to 3D-print these bicycles from aluminum, Decathlon aims to reduce both the raw materials and transportation-intensive shipping required to build and deliver this futuristic racing bike.

Digital transformation in service to climate

The world’s largest sporting goods retailer, Decathlon maintains a market reputation and brand commitment to sustainability, cutting-edge design, and affordability. Beloved by its customers, the company is rethinking traditional product design methods to offer a more sustainable approach. It designs, tests and manufactures every product it sells to meet high standards of both quality and reduced environmental impact.

This commitment to reduced environmental impact is a big part of what drives Decathlon’s innovation. To achieve its ecological goals, the company is transforming its product design process, putting technology at the center of that process. Its ambition is to reduce the carbon footprint of the billion pieces of equipment it produces each year.

Generative design, the Autodesk technology at the heart of this project, is a form of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides a design engineer hundreds, even thousands, of potential solutions to a given design problem in minutes or hours. The technology is powered by Autodesk’s Fusion 360 software and uses algorithms, machine learning, and computational geometry to quickly generate multiple solutions that meet precise requirements and constraints set by the designer. Optimized solutions that satisfy requirements are then presented to the designer for consideration and optimization. This process radically changes the way a product is designed.

In this project, generative design was used to design the frame and fork, initially taking into consideration the significant dynamic forces the fork would be subjected to under braking and at speed, as well as aerodynamics, and many other factors. A crucial aspect of the structure of a bicycle, the fork is the component to which the front wheel is attached, enabling the bike to be steered, and is comprised of several parts that must bear those significant forces. The company forecasts its reimagining of the traditional product design process may dramatically reduce the bike’s weight through use of less material.

“Autodesk technology played an integral role in helping Decathlon designers and engineers reimagine the new possible and broaden the range of options they considered for this bike,” said Scott Reese, senior vice president at Autodesk. “Decathlon’s bicycle project beautifully illustrates the pivotal contributions generative design can make to the creative process for designers. With the help of Autodesk tools, Decathlon combined artificial intelligence and human creativity to pursue sustainability and performance goals that meet high consumer expectations. The project also enabled designers to familiarize themselves with new design and manufacturing technologies that will create the products of tomorrow,” he said.

“The start of this collaboration was technical at first, because we didn’t deeply understand generative design or what it could bring,” said Decathlon Advanced Design team member Charles Cambianica. “Thanks to this project, we realized how this technology is not just an additional tool but truly a new way of conceiving and designing our products. Autodesk offers us a view of a new possible when creating products of the future. Clearly, this technology allows us to go even further because it saves us time, makes the products better and above all–this is a very important point–keeps people at the heart of the creation process,” he said.

Transforming business processes to remain competitive in a rapidly changing world is rarely easy. Doing so typically requires time and vision to reimagine possibilities, then affecting changes in company culture, focus and infrastructure to implement that vision. But the benefits of doing so, especially when undertaken with a partner who has been there before, can pay quantitative dividends that far exceed the investment, as Decathlon is demonstrating.

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