누구나 만들 수 있는 홀로그래프 VIDEO: Anyone Can Create a Holograph With This Ingenious New Technology

Anyone Can Create a Holograph With This Ingenious New Technology

By Arnesia Young on December 8, 2020

Despite how futuristic the year 2020 may sound, we are still several steps behind where countless sci-fi movies of the '80s and '90s predicted we’d be by now—jetting around on hoverboards and in flying cars, traveling through time (and the far reaches of space), and delivering urgent messages as a hologram somewhere across the galaxy. We’re not quite there yet, but we are one step closer, thanks to the Looking Glass Portrait—a personal holographic display that makes it easy to capture and create your own holograms.



누구나 만들 수 있는 홀로그래프

    2020년대가 얼마나 미래적으로 들릴지 모르지만, 우리는 80~90년대의 수많은 공상과학 영화들이 지금쯤 우리가 있을 것이라고 예측했던 곳, 즉 호버보드와 날으는 자동차에 몸을 싣고, 시간(그리고 우주의 먼 곳)을 여행하고, 은하계 어딘가에 홀로그램으로 긴급한 메시지를 전달하는 데 있어서 아직도 몇 걸음 뒤처져 있다. 우리는 아직 그곳에 있지는 않지만, 여러분만의 홀로그램을 쉽게 캡처하고 만들 수 있는 개인 홀로그램 디스플레이인 "Looking Glass Picture" 덕분에 한 걸음 더 가까워졌다.

이 제품은 최근 '홀로그램의 영화 꿈을 쫓는 발명가, 엔지니어, 예술가들의 모임'으로 자칭되는 룩잉글라스팩토리의 킥스타터에 출시됐다. 이 회사는 세계 최초로 데스크톱 홀로그램 디스플레이 개발 키트를 출시한 2018년부터 홀로그램 기술을 개발해 왔다. 그 이후로, 그들은 홀로그램으로 움직이는 미래에 대한 비전을 발전시키기 위해 계속해서 열심히 일하고 있다.

이번에는 개발자, 예술가, 디자이너, 영화제작자, 사진작가 등 3D 캡처와 창작에 도전하는 모든 크리에이터를 염두에 두고 제품을 디자인했다. 그것을 사용하는 방법을 알기 위해 프로그래머가 될 필요는 없다; 사실, 당신은 이미 가지고 있는 전화나 카메라를 사용하여 홀로그램 이미지를 캡처하고 그것들을 Looking Glass Picture로 되살릴 수 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

This product was recently launched on Kickstarter by Looking Glass Factory Inc—a self-described “group of inventors, engineers, and artists chasing the cinema dream of the hologram.” The company has been developing its hologram technology since 2018, when they launched the world’s first desktop holographic display development kit. Since then, they’ve continued working hard to advance their vision of a hologram-powered future.

This time, they’ve designed a product with everyday creators in mind: developers, artists, designers, filmmakers, photographers, and any other creators who are exploring 3D capture and creation. You don’t need to be a programmer to know how to use it; in fact, you can use a phone or camera you already own to capture holographic images and bring them to life with the Looking Glass Portrait.

The holographic display is powered by light field technology and can function in tethered mode with a PC or Mac, but it is the first system that also has standalone functionality thanks to a built-in computer. It also includes a variety of other features that make it incredibly useful for everyone from amateurs to even the most advanced three-dimensional media creator. It is compatible with the Microsoft Azure Kinect and Intel RealSense depth cameras and can also import from video production tools like DepthKit and Depthkit Cinema, which makes it an amazing tool for depth video production. It's also a great resource for 3D designers and developers who want to bring three-dimensional characters to life or create interactive holographic apps.

What about those of us who've always dreamed of preserving our own image as a holograph to relay a message for posterity? Well, now you can do that, too. The possibilities are endless with this new technology, especially as it advances and becomes more accessible.

Be sure to check out their website and Kickstarter campaign, which has already exponentially exceeded its goal of $50,000—it's already raised over $1.7 million with 38 days left in the campaign—for more information about the Looking Glass Portrait, and scroll down to see more of what this thing can do.

Tech company Looking Glass Factory Inc is making every sci-fi enthusiast's dream come true with their new personal holographic display, aptly called Looking Glass Portrait.

They've designed this holographic display so that anyone who is exploring 3D capture and creation can easily use it—from your average phone photographer to the most advanced developer.

One of the most remarkable aspects of this technology is the user's ability to create holographic pictures and videos.

The possibilities are endless with this new technology!

Watch this video to learn more about the Looking Glass Portrait's amazing features.

Looking Glass Portrait - Your first personal holographic display



