멸종위기 처한 케냐 누비아 기린, 전격 구조 작전 VIDEO: Conservationists rescue a 16-foot giraffe after it became stranded on a flooding island off Kenya - and transport it four miles down river to safety

Conservationists rescue a 16-foot giraffe after it became stranded on a flooding island off Kenya - and transport it four miles down river to safety

Eight giraffes became stuck on an island in Kenya when water levels rose

Conservationists constructed a massive boat made of steel and empty drums

They rescued one of the giraffes and took it four miles down the river

The teams plan to rescue more later this week and early next year 


PUBLISHED: 22:05 GMT, 2 December 2020 | UPDATED: 01:51 GMT, 3 December 2020



멸종위기 처한 케냐 누비아 기린, 전격 구조 작전

  야생동물 보호론자들은 케냐의 홍수섬에 갇힌 멸종위기에 처한 누비아 기린을 구하기 위해 악어가 들끓는 바다를 용감하게 헤집고 다녔다.

아시와라는 이름의 이 기린은 본토로의 접근을 차단하는 강우 때문에 8일 동안 발이 묶인 상태였고, 그 무리들은 롱기차로 섬에 감금되었다.

아시와는 팀의 도움으로 강철과 빈 드럼통으로 만들어진 바지선에 실렸고, 그 후 4마일을 강 아래로 안전하게 운반했다.

이 단체는 앞으로 몇 주 안에 남아 있는 7마리의 기린을 같은 방법으로 구조할 계획이다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

Wildlife conservationists braved crocodile infested waters to rescue a critically endangered Nubian giraffe trapped on a flooding island in Kenya.

The giraffe, named Asiwa, was one of eight stranded due to days on intense rain that cut off access to the mainland, leaving the herd imprisoned on Longicharo Island.

Asiwa was loaded into the barge made of steel and empty drums, with the help of the team, and then transported four miles down the river to safety.

The group intends to rescue the seven remaining giraffes the same way in the next several weeks.

Scrolled down for video 

Wildlife conservationists braved crocodile infested waters to rescue a critically endangered Nubian giraffe trapped on a flooding island in Kenya

The remarkable rescue was organized by Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) today joined forces with the US-based non-profit Save Giraffes Now and an African non-government organization.

Conservationists with KWS, Save Giraffes Now and Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT) collaborated with local community members to undertake the monumental task of moving the massive animal to Ruko Community Wildlife Conservancy, a protected wildlife reserve.

Aswia has been brought to safety, however seven more giraffes' lives are in limbo.

There are two juvenile females, Susan and Pasaka that are scheduled to be moved later this week.

The giraffe, named Asiwa, was one of eight stranded due to days on intense rain that cut off access to the mainland, leaving the herd imprisoned on Longicharo Island

The boat was is strong enough to hold a massive giraffe and is designed in a fashion that keeps it from escaping

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Video: Wildlife Services save giraffe stranded on flooded island


