프랑스 응급자전거 ㅣ 할리데이비슨 전기자전거 VIDEO: The emergency bike, a city-proof all-electric ambulance vehicle taking over paris ㅣ Serial 1 (formerly Harley-Davidson) e-bikes unveiled

The emergency bike, a city-proof all-electric ambulance vehicle taking over paris

emergency bike ambulance parisimages courtesy of wunderman thompson paris

wunderman thompson paris has collaborated with french electric bike retail brand ecox, in emergency bike — an ambulance on two wheels. created to aid parisian emergency personnel move fast through the city’s jammed streets, this electric bike is equipped with a large volume insulated box to carry medicine. 

images courtesy of wunderman thompson paris


프랑스에서 등장한 응급 전기자전거

    유튜브 영상을 보면 구급차에게 길을 터주는 멋진 영상을 볼 수 있다. 하지만 이런 길터주기가 항상 가능한 것은 아니다. 그런데 프랑스는 이런 상황이 더 많았나 보다. 그래서 응급 전기자전거가 등장했다. 실제 응급 상황에 적용 시킬 수 있는 물건이다. 물론 환자 이송을 할 수 없고, 응급차에 실려 있는 다양한 장비들은 없다. 

보쉬가 만든, 수 많은 전동 킥보드와 전기 자전거에 사용중인 드라이브 모터에 두 개의 배터리팩으로 160km의 거리를 달릴 수 있다. 앞쪽에는 의약품과 긴급 구조 장비를 넣을 수 있는 150리터 용량의 적재함이 달려 있다. 물론 경광등과 사이렌도 달려 있는데 주변의 누구나 상황을 알 수 있는 140dB의 큰 소리를 낸다. 왠지 운전자의 청력이 걱정될 정도. 이 응급 전기자전거는 웬더맨 톰슨이 기획하고 프랑스 e모빌리티 기업인 에코엑스와 전기 자전거 제조사인 어반 에로우가 함께 만들었다.


edited by kcontents

big cities are known for their infamous traffic jams. paris, for example, is the most congested city in europe — its drivers spend as much as 140 hours a year stuck inside their cars. every minute lost in traffic means a 10% less chance of survival for patients. to combat this, wunderman thompson paris envisioned, developed and partnered with ecox to create an urban proof medical vehicle.

‘we are excited to celebrate the launch of emergency bikes in the streets of paris and help optimize urban medical interventions. emergency bikes are fast. they slide easily through heavy traffic, they park in limited spaces, and most importantly, they enable doctors to cross paris with their medical material faster than any other vehicle, reaching every medical intervention site two times faster, on average,’ said adrien mancel and paul-emile raymond, creative directors at wunderman thompson paris. ‘our partnership with ecox has been extremely rewarding and our hope is to develop a project where emergency bikes can be used in several emergency services across other cities and countries.’

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Emergency Bikes, the new city-proof medical vehicle

Serial 1 (formerly Harley-Davidson) e-bikes unveiled, and we got the first ride

Don’t call them the Harley-Davidson electric bicycles anymore! Despite spending their first two years of development as an H-D project, the e-bikes were spun off into their own company known as Serial 1 last month.

Today Serial 1 is releasing the full details and taking pre-orders for their new portfolio of “Powered by Harley-Davidson” e-bikes, including specs and pricing. And as an added treat, I got to take the first-ever test ride of the premium-level Serial 1 e-bikes to share with you below.

To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect when I went into this test ride last week and finally got to see the e-bikes in person.

I figured that e-bikes originally designed by Harley-Davidson would be pretty decent, though would also cost a pretty penny.

Ultimately, Serial 1 surprised me on both counts. In a good way.

Not only did these premium e-bikes exceed my expectations in terms of ride quality and performance, but they came in below the sky-high prices that I had feared.




