폭파공법에 의해 철거된 세계 최고층 빌딩 [VIDEO] New World Record For Tallest Building Demolished By Explosives

[VIDEO] New World Record For Tallest Building Demolished By Explosives

December 1, 2020 Shane Hedmond


폭파공법에 의해 철거된 세계 최고층 빓딩

    1998년, 미시간 주 디트로이트 시내의 허드슨 백화점은 폭파공법으로 철거됐다. 그 건물은 29층에 걸쳐 123m 높이로 그 당시로는 가장 높은 건물이었다. 그 곳은 폭파 광경을 보러온 2만 명의 사람들로 덮였다. 그런데 이 기록은 최근에 다시 깨졌다.

최근 철거되기 전 UAE 아부다비의 미나 플라자 단지에서 가장 높은 빌딩은 46층 약 162m에 달했다고 드레비턴뉴스가 보도했다. 스코틀랜드에 본사를 둔 철거업체 사페뎀이 폭파 철거를 실시해 기네스북에 올랐다.

사페뎀에 따르면 이 단지 4개의 타워가 동시에 붕괴됐다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

edited by kcontents

Back in 1998, the Hudson Department Store in downtown Detroit, Michigan was demolished by explosives.  That building stood 410 feet tall across its 29 floors, making it, at the time, the tallest building to ever be taken down by implosion. The dust cloud covered many city blocks and the 20,000 unsuspecting people that came to watch the event.  That record was just recently broken by a building over 100 feet taller than it.

Prior to its recent demolition, the tallest building in Mina Plaza Complex in Abu Dhabi, UAE stood at roughly 541 feet across its 46 floors, according to Demoliton News. Scotland based demoltion company, Safedem, carried out the explosive demolition, which landed them in the Guinness Book of World Records. 

There were four towers in the complex, totaling 144 stories in all, which were imploded simultaneously, according to Safedem.

You can check out the video of them implosion and the Guinness World Records ceremony in the 2 videos below:

Mina Plaza Blowdown 27 11 20 

Mina Plaza Demolition - Guinness World Record 

https://www.constructionjunkie.com/blog/2020/11/29/video-new-world-record-for-tallest-building-demolished-by-explosives kcontents


