3개 한국건설사, 사우디 아람코, 브라운필드(brownfield) 석유가스 프로젝트 장기계약 체결 Aramco Awards Major Deals to 8 Companies

Aramco Awards Major Deals to 8 Companies

by Andreas Exarheas|Rigzone Staff|Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Saudi Aramco (TADAWUL: 2222) has announced that it has awarded major long-term agreements (LTA) to eight companies for its oil and gas brownfield projects.

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3개 한국건설사, 사우디 아람코, 브라운필드(brownfield) 석유가스 프로젝트 장기계약 체결

   사우디 아람코(TADAWUL: 2222)가 석유 및 가스 브라운필드(brownfield) 프로젝트에 대해 8개 기업에 장기 계약(LTA)을 체결했다고 발표했다.

아람코는 "6년 기본 기간과 6년 연장 가능한 이번 계약은 '엄격한 평가 절차'를 거쳐 이뤄졌다"고 밝혔다.

협약의 범위에는 각 사업의 설계·조달·시공·시운전·사전위탁은 물론 지정된 운영지역에 개량시설을 설치하는 내용도 포함돼 있다고 사우디 아람코는 전했다. 사우디 아람코는 또 이번 계약으로 당초 39%의 현지 콘텐츠와 공급망을 사용하게 된 뒤 6년 내 60%의 약정을 이행해야 한다고 설명했다.

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The deals, which are for a six-year base period and extendable for an additional six years, were made with the following companies after a “thorough evaluation process”, Aramco revealed:


A consortium of Nasser Saeed Al-Hajri and Contracting /Samsung EPC Co. Ltd.

Daelim Saudi Arabia Co. LTD.

Engineering for The Petroleum and Process Industries (Enppi) Branch.

GS Construction Arabia Co. Ltd.

Snamprogetti Engineering and Contracting Co. Ltd. (Saipem).

JGC Gulf Engineering Co. Ltd.

A branch of Technip Italy S.P.A.

A branch of Hyundai Engineering and Construction Co. LTD.

The scope of the agreements includes engineering, procurement, construction, start-up and pre-commissioning of each project, as well as the installation of the upgraded facilities in the designated operating areas, according to Saudi Aramco. The contracts also mandate a minimum commitment to use 39 percent local content and supply chains initially, before increasing to a 60 percent commitment within six years, Saudi Aramco outlined.

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“We are delighted to have concluded these LTAs as part of our new strategy, which offers a number of benefits to Aramco and our partners, and it will have a positive impact on the business environment and economic activities in the Kingdom,” Ahmad A. Al Sa'adi, Aramco’s technical services senior vice president, said in a company statement.

“These LTAs which are associated with huge business which allow us to boost the performance of our brownfield and upgrade projects through new technologies and pioneering environmental sustainability fundamentals, while improving contract procurement and construction phases,” he added.

“In addition, it will enable us to continue developing homegrown talent in Saudi Arabia through achievable employment targets. This is very important to us, as well as contribute to our IKTVA target to increase local content,” he continued.

Saudi Aramco is a leading producer of the energy and chemicals that drive global commerce and enhance the daily lives of people around the globe, according to its website.

To contact the author, email andreas.exarheas@rigzone.com



