코펜하겐에 플로팅 아일랜드 파크 조성 VIDEO: Floating Island Parks Will Soon Be Built in Copenhagen Harbor

Floating Island Parks Will Soon Be Built in Copenhagen Harbor

By Samantha Pires on November 16, 2020


Floating Island Parks Will Soon Be Built in Copenhagen HarborPhoto: Mir


코펜하겐에 플로팅 아일랜드 파크 조성

   코펜하겐 항구는 일련의 인공 플로팅 섬들의 기발한 건설 덕분에 좀 더 활발해지고 있을지도 모른다.  이 섬은 세계 최초의 "파키에라고"(공원과 군도)의 항구도시가 될 것이다. 덴마크의 디자인 회사인 스튜디오 포크로트와 호주 건축가 마샬 블쳐는 수변 도시 개발 붐에 대응하여 다수의 소규모 부유식 공원을 설계했다. 코펜하겐 제도라는 공식 명칭이 붙은 각 모듈에는 도시화로 잃어버린 일부 열린 공간을 대체하기 위해 유연한 공공 프로그램이 가득하다. 세계 해수면 상승의 불가피성을 고려할 때, 떠다니는 공원도 많은 의미가 있다.

스튜디오 포크로트는 "항내와 주변 해양생물에 대한 사회적 응집력과 인식을 강화하여 덴마크 항구생활의 자랑스러운 전통을 새롭게 하고자 한다"는 취지를 설명하면서 이 프로젝트의 현지적 중요성을 설명하고 있다. 그들은 보트타기, 수영, 카약, 피크닉, 공연, 이벤트 등 다양한 활동을 장려하는 특징을 제공함으로써 이를 달성했다. 프로그램은 또한 계절에 따라 조직되는데, 물 전체에서 여름 사용을 위해 고안된 가능한 계획과 섬들이 육지 근처에 모여 있는 겨울 계획도 있다" 말한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

Copenhagen harbor may be getting a bit more active thanks to the ingenious construction of a series of artificial floating islands—which would make it the world's first “parkipelago” (a portmanteau of park and archipelago). Danish design firm Studio Fokstrot and Australian architect Marshall Blecher have designed a number of small floating parks in response to the boom of urban development along the waterfront. Officially titled Copenhagen Islands, each module is packed with flexible public program in order to replace some of the open space lost to growing urbanization. Floating parks also make a lot of sense when considering the inevitability of global sea-level rise.

Studio Fokstrot describes the local importance of this project, explaining the intention “to renew the proud traditions of the Danish harbor life, by strengthening the social cohesion and awareness of the maritime life in and around the harbor.” They accomplished this by providing features to encourage a variety of activities such as boating, swimming, kayaking, picnics, performances, events, and more. Programs are also organized by season, with possible schemes designed for summer use throughout the water and winter schemes where islands cluster near land.

Floating Island Parks Will Soon Be Built in Copenhagen Harbor

Photo: Copenhagen Islands

CPH-Ø1 is the first of these islands tested on site. It was built using traditional boat-making techniques of thin strips of wood along with steel and recycled boating material. The module is approximately 215 square feet and features a single linden tree. Future modules will allow more room for green spaces, as demonstrated in the renderings of the full parkipelago.

And, according to Blecher, these green spaces are carefully designed to welcome new wildlife. The submerged portion of the islands will become habitats for seaweed and small marine life to anchor, which will attract other animals to congregate near each module. The unexpected land in the middle of the harbor will also act as a resting area for local birds.

As the project is a collection of unique modules that are individually constructed, there will be future growth with the addition of new islands. CPH-Ø1 will not stay a lonely island for long as three more are planned for construction by the end of 2020.

Danish design firm Studio Fokstrot and Australian architect Marshall Blecher have designed a series of small floating parks in response to the boom of urban development along the waterfront.

Photo: Airflix

Photo: Airflix

The first island, CPH-Ø1, was built using traditional boat-making techniques of thin strips of wood along with steel and recycled boating material.

Floating Island Parks Will Soon Be Built in Copenhagen Harbor

Photo: Mir

Copenhagen Adds Park Space with Floating Islands 


