헤드폰 없이 자기만 듣는 미래지향적 오디오 VIDEO: Futuristic audio device 'puts music in your head' by beaming sound directly to the listener without the need for headphones

Futuristic audio device 'puts music in your head' by beaming sound directly to the listener without the need for headphones

Desktop speaker creates a personal sound bubble without need for headphones 

It directs ultrasonic waves that are converted in audible sound next to user's ear

Lack of headphones means it's possible to hear other sounds in the room clearly


PUBLISHED: 13:57 GMT, 12 November 2020 | UPDATED: 18:48 GMT, 12 November 2020


자기만 듣는 미래지향적 오디오

   이스라엘의 한 기술 회사가 개인용 사운드 거품처럼 헤드폰 없이 소리를 듣는 사람에게 직접 빔을 보내는 새로운 데스크톱 기기를 출시했다

Novo의 SoundBeamer 1.0은 사용자의 귀 위치를 찾고 추적하여 오디오파를 보내 음파의 작은 주머니를 만든다.

이 기술은 직장인들이 동료들을 방해하지 않고 음악이나 전화 회의를 들을 수 있도록 할 것이며, 주변의 다른 사람들로부터 헤드폰을 받지 않고 게임, 영화, 음악을 빼놓고 게임을 할 수 있게 할 것이다.

블루투스를 통해 기기와 페어링할 수 있는 데스크톱 기기는 내년 크리스마스에 맞춰 소비자가 구매할 수 있도록 준비된다.

'지금까지, 스피커를 통해, 또는 헤드폰을 사용하여 조용히 그리고 개인적으로 오디오를 들을 수 있는 두 가지 방법이 있었다.'라고 이 회사는 웹사이트에서 말한다.

'Novto에서는 우리가 SoundBeaming이라고 부르는 특허 기술을 사용하여 듣는 세 번째 새로운 방법을 소개한다.

'이것은 사람들이 오디오를 경험하는 방식을 바꿀 완전히 새로운 유형의 감각적 청취방법이다.'

스피커는 사람의 청력 범위를 벗어난 초음파 음파를 방출한다.

다른 사용자가 아닌 사용자만이 들을 수 있도록 하드웨어에 내장된 3D 센싱 모듈이 사용자의 귀 위치를 실시간으로 찾아 추적한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

An Israeli technology firm has debuted a new desktop device that beams sound directly to a listener without the need for headphones, like a personal sound bubble.

SoundBeamer 1.0 from Noveto locates and tracks the user's ear position, sending audio waves to create small pockets of sound waves.   

The tech will allow office workers to listen to music or conference calls without interrupting colleagues and let anyone play a game, film or music minus headphones without it being heard by anyone else in the vicinity. 

The desktop device, which can be paired to a device via Bluetooth, will be ready for consumers to buy in time for Christmas next year. 

Scroll down for video 


SoundBeamer beams music and sound straight into the ear without the need for headphones. The technology uses a 3D sensing module and locates and tracks the ear position sending audio via ultrasonic waves to create sound pockets by the user's ears

'Until now, there have been two ways to hear audio – out loud and publicly via speakers, or quietly and privately with headphones,' the company says on its website. 

'At Noveto, we’re introducing a third and new way to listen using a patented technology we call SoundBeaming. 

'This is an entirely new type of sensory listening that will change the way people experience audio.'

The speaker emits ultrasonic sound waves – those outside the range of human hearing.

To make them audible for the user but not anyone else, a 3D sensing module built into the hardware locates and tracks the position of the user's ears in real time.

Image of the desktop device. Noveto's tech enables sound to be 'dynamically steered and focused'. Each user in a confined space (such as a living room, conference room, vehicle or any public space) can experience audio content without using isolating headphones or sound polluting traditional audio speakers

At this point, the ultrasonic waves converge into small pockets of sound just outside the ears. 

Here, the sound can be heard again as normal acoustic waves without disturbing others in the vicinity and freeing the user of annoying headphones.  

Users can hear audio from a variety of sources privately and without disturbing others. And because the sound is beamed directly outside the ears, listening 'becomes far more sensory and natural', Noveto says

'Move your head in any direction and the two sound pockets will magically follow,' Noveto says. 

The firm has provided Associated Press with a demo of the desktop prototype of its device before its launch.  

Associated Press called it 'a listening sensation straight out of a sci-fi movie' with 3D sound that feels like 'it's inside your ears while also in front, above and behind them'.  

Concepts of different designs for the speaker once it comes to market, which should be in December 2021

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New device puts music in your head - no headphones required


