혼다, 세계 최초 레벨3 자율주행차 올해 출시 VIDEO: Honda to sell world’s first Level 3 automated cars

Honda’s new Legend sedan will drive itself on busy highways in 2021

Other automakers that tried to mass-produce Level 3 vehicles have stumbled

By Andrew J. Hawkins@andyjayhawk  Nov 13, 2020, 10:40am EST

Honda made the bold claim this week that it will mass-produce autonomous vehicles capable of performing 100 percent of driving tasks under certain conditions, but that drivers would need to stand by to take control when needed.

Photo by Vlad Savov / The Verge


혼다, 레벨3 자율주행차 올해 출시...“핸들 놓고 스마트폰 해도 OK”

    일본 자동차업체 혼다가 운전자가 핸들을 조작하지 않아도 스스로 주행하는 자율주행차를 2020년도(2020년4월~2021년3월) 중으로 일본 국내에서 출시한다.

니혼게이자이신문, NHK 등 일본 언론에 따르면 혼다는 11일 고속도로 등 특정 조건에서 운전자 대신 시스템이 모든 운전 조작을 하는 자율주행 기능 ‘레벨3’을 탑재한 차량을 출시한다고 발표했다.

혼다는 레벨3 시스템을 자사 대형 세단인 ‘레전드’에 탑재할 방침이다. 가격 및 정확한 출시 시기 등 자세한 사항은 분명히 하지 않았다.

일본 국토교통성은 이날 레벨3 기능을 탑재한 레전드에 대해 안전 기준을 충족한다고 발표했다.

레벨3에서는 운전자가 운전대 및 브레이크 등 모든 운전 조작을 시스템이 대신 하는 것으로, 이 기능이 탑재된 자율주행차를 출시하는 것은 혼다가 세계 최초다.

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This type of autonomous driving is defined as Level 3 by the Society of Automotive Engineers. It refers to highly automated driving where the driver still needs to be able to take over the vehicle upon request. Level 4 automation means that the car is capable of handling most driving situations itself, whereas Level 5 is largely theoretical and covers complete automation in any condition.

In a press release, Honda says it has received approval from Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to mass-produce Level 3 vehicles. “This approval enables the automated driving system to drive the vehicle instead of the driver under certain conditions, such as when the vehicle is in congested traffic on [the] expressway,” the automaker says.

This sticker will be affixed to the outside of Honda’s Level 3 vehicles to let other road users know its capabilities. Honda

Honda plans to launch a next-gen version of its Legend sedan equipped with the newly approved automated driving equipment, called “Traffic Jam Pilot,” by the end of March 2021. Under the deal with the Japanese government, the vehicle will include a data recorder to track its movements and external signage to make other road users aware of its autonomous capabilities.

The vehicle must include a driver-monitoring system that tracks the attention and behavior of the driver. That could mean cameras or infrared sensors to determine whether the driver’s eyes are on the road. There are also strict requirements regarding the “handover” between the car’s self-driving software and the driver:

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Before any of operable driving environment conditions become unsatisfactory, the equipment must warn the driver of the transfer of control (handover) back to the driver and must continue safe driving until the handover is completed. When the handover cannot be made, the equipment must safely stop the vehicle.

Honda has been one of the more cautious automakers when it comes to self-driving cars. A recent ranking of the leading companies in autonomous technology doesn’t even include the Japanese automaker, which is the sixth largest car company in the world. Honda has been in talks with some of the top AV operators in the US, but has yet to reveal its own self-driving program. The company has previously said it is targeting 2025 to launch Level 4 capable self-driving cars.

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Honda to sell world’s first Level 3 automated cars 


