4명까지 태울 수 있는 새로운 디자인의 무인 드론 택시 VIDEO: Italian designer shows off plans for self-driving air taxis inspired by a private jet....

Italian designer shows off plans for self-driving air taxis inspired by a private jet that would shuttle up to four commuters to work in a post-pandemic world

An Italian designer has shared concept images for an autonomous air taxi called KITE

The private jet-like craft is designed to carry up to four passengers to work using four double-helix rotos 

There would be storage space under and behind each of the seats, along with screens that provide travel data

The craft is set to be used in China's Greater Bay Area that is under travel restrictions due to COVID-19


PUBLISHED: 15:35 GMT, 5 November 2020 | UPDATED: 16:58 GMT, 5 November 202

4명까지 태울 수 있는 새로운 디자인의 무인 드론 택시

   세계가 여전히 코로나 바이러스와 싸우고 있지만, 한 이탈리아 디자이너는 통근자들이 목적지까지 안전하고 안전하게 여행할 수 있도록 돕기 위해 기발한 아이디어를 찾고 있다.

안드레아 폰티는 부드러운 원단과 가죽 쿠션으로 단일 좌석에 앉은 승객을 최대 4명까지 태울 수 있는 전용 제트기 모양의 드론 컨셉 디자인을 공개했다.

'Kite'라고 불리는 이 무인선은 4개의 이중 헥스 로터로 된 추진 시스템을 사용할 것이며 착륙과 저고도 비행에 도움이 되는 LED 헤드라이트를 장착했다.

폰티는 중국 대만 지역의 에어택시를 목표로 홍콩에서 잘 알려진 새인 검은 연을 지칭하는 말로 이 이름을 택했다.

이 지역은 9개 시와 2개의 특별 행정구역으로 구성되어 있는데, 이는 코로나바이러스 속에서 이동제한으로 경제적으로 어려움을 겪고 있는 곳이다.

검은 연은 빠르고 민첩하며 지능이 뛰어나다

하지만, 이 깃털 달린 생물과는 달리, 무인 드론은 완전히 전기적이고, 무배출이며, 많은 최첨단 기능들을 뽐낸다.

승객들은 단일 리어 도어를 통해 객실에 접근한 뒤 안쪽 좌석 4개 중 1개 좌석으로 짧은 통로를 걸어가는데, 이 통로에는 폴리카보네이트 껍데기가 뒤로 젖혀져 있다.

각 좌석에는 또한 통근자들이 사무실에 도착하기 전에 일을 하거나 간식을 즐길 수 있는 4개의 퀵 릴리즈 안전 안전 장치와 접이식 트레이가 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

Although the world is still battling the coronavirus, one Italian designer is looking toward a post-pandemic world to help commuters travel safely and securely to their destination.

Andrea Ponti released a gallery of concept designs for a private jet-like drone that carries up to four passengers while they sit in single seats with soft fabric and leather cushions.

Although the world is still battling the coronavirus, one Italian designer is looking towards a post-pandemic world to help commuters travel safely and securely to their destination. Andrea Ponti released a gallery of concept designs for a private jet-like drone that carries up to four passengers while they sit in single seats with soft fabric and leather cushions

Called ‘Kite,’ the craft would use a propulsion system of four double-helix rotors and features a pair of LED headlights to help with landing and low-altitude flying.

Ponti chose the name as a reference to the black kite, a well-known bird in Hong Kong, as he aims to use the air taxis in China’s Greater Bay Area.

This area consists of nine cities and two special administrative regions – locations that are suffering economically due to travel restrictions amid the coronavirus.

The black kite is a bird of prey that is fast, agile and intelligent – all things the Kite vehicle has set out to be.

However, unlike the feathered creature, the autonomous drone is fully electric, zero-emissions and sports a number of cutting-edge features.

Passengers access the cabin through a single rear door and walk down the short aisle to one of the four seats inside, which recline and feature a polycarbonate shell.

Each seat also has its own four-point quick-release safety harness and retractable trays that allow commuters to do work or enjoy a snack before arriving at the office.

Each seat also has its own four-point quick-release safety harness and retractable trays that allow commuters to work or enjoy a snack before arriving at the office

The cabin is equipped with two large screens at the front and two smaller ones on the back of the front-row seats that display flight information, such as duration and takeoff and landing data

There is also under-seat storage space for riders to stow away items such as briefcases and back of the seat storage provides space for larger luggage.

The cabin is equipped with two large screens at the front and two smaller ones on the back of the front-row seats that display flight information, such as duration and takeoff and landing data.

Ponti chose the name as a reference to the black kite, a well-known bird in Hong Kong, as he aims to use the air taxis in China’s Greater Bay Area. This area consists of nine cities and two special administrative regions – locations that are suffering economically due to travel restrictions amid the coronavirus

The fuselage has a rounded and compact design that Ponti says minimizes drag and optimizes maneuverability during flight.

‘Its interior layout recalls a private jet, with a central aisle and one line of seats on either side,’ Ponti shared in a press release.

‘In this transition phase when air travel has decreased significantly, KITE offers a new option for inter-city transit within the Greater Bay Area.’

‘KITE also embodies the innovative drive of this up-and-coming region and it promotes the advancement of scientific and technological research, not only in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area, but in all of Asia.’

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