오만, 두쿰 페트로케미컬 컴플렉스 FEED 중단...EPC도 차질 Oman's DRPIC suspends FEED work on Duqm Petrochemical Project

오만, 두쿰 페트로케미컬 컴플렉스 FEED 중단 발표

   오만의 Oman Oil Company (OOC)와 쿠웨이트의 Kuwait Petroleum International (KPI)가 50:50의 지분으로 합작 설립한 Duqm Refinery & Petrochemical Industries Company (DRPIC)는 추진하던 두쿰(Duqm) 페트로케미컬 프로젝트의 FEED를 중단한다고 발표했다.

한국도 참여 EPC  추진도 중단

NS Energy

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DRPIC 이사회는 코로나19 판데믹, 수요 침체, 물가 불안 등의 영향으로 세계 경제의 불확실성이 높아짐에 따라 회사를 위해 FEED 중단을 결정했다고 밝혔다.

MEED는 동 프로젝트의 FEED를 영국의 Wood Group가 수행하고, PMC는 호주의 Worley 담당한다고 보도한 바 있다.

동 프로젝트는 당초 2021년에 최종 투자 의사결정(Final Investment Decision)을 하고, 2025년 상업운전을 계획했었다.

한편, EPC 관련 PQ는 총 2단계로 진행할 예정이었는데, 9.15일 1단계 PQ를 약 36개사 대상으로 공고했었다.

< 출처: MEED (2020.11.4) >


News - Media Center - Samsung Engineering

Oman's DRPIC suspends FEED work on Duqm Petrochemical Project

The suspension comes as the company seeks to assess the impact of COVID-19 on future works, decrease in demand

Oman’s Duqm Refinery and Petrochemical Industries Company (DRPIC) has suspended the front-end engineering design (FEED) work for its proposed Duqm Petrochemical Project (DPP), as the company has been seeking to assess the impact of COVID-19 on its future works.

DIRPC shareholders will look for opportunities to enhance the value of the project.Oman News Agency

In a statement, the company said that DRPIC’s board of directors concluded that the suspension of FEED work of the project is in the interest of the company during a time of unprecedented global economic uncertainty in light of the global pandemic, decrease in demand, and highly volatile commodity prices. 

The company’s shareholders will reassess the project, considering the current challenging global market environment and the importance of seeking opportunities to enhance the value of the project, the state-held Oman News Agency reported.

The DPP comprises Phase 2 of the integrated refineries and petrochemicals project, which the company has been planning to implement in the Special Economic Zone of Duqm, as part of the existing strategic partnership between OQ, a national petroleum investment company of Oman and Kuwait Petroleum International, a subsidiary of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC).

Construction work on the Duqm Refinery has been progressing as per the planned schedule, with overall progress having reached 72%.

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