인간과 구별할 수 없는 디즈니의 애니매트로닉스 피부 없는 로봇 VIDEO: Disney imagineers reveal creepy skinless robot with realistic eyes and teeth which they...

Disney imagineers reveal creepy skinless robot with realistic eyes and teeth which they say can hold people's gaze and mimic mannerisms - and could help develop animatronics that are indistinguishable from humans

Walt Disney engineers unveiled a humanoid animatronic bust with a life-like gaze

The robot is designed with a sensor and camera that identify people 

The senors activate a series of motors inside the face to interact with guests

The robot's behavior includes read, glance, engage and acknowledge


PUBLISHED: 20:03 GMT, 30 October 2020 | UPDATED: 20:07 GMT, 30 October 2020

인간과 구별할 수 없는 디즈니의 애니매트로닉스 피부 없는 로   

   디즈니는 상상력을 생동감 있게 만드는 것을 전문으로 하지만, 디즈니의 최근 혁신은 한 걸음 더 나아가 현실적이고 상호 작용적인 시선으로 디자인된 로봇이다.

이 회사의 상상가들은 움직이는 눈과 눈꺼풀, 눈썹이 완성된 피부 없는 휴머노이드 애니매트로닉 흉상을 공개해 인간다운 시선을 자아냈다.

로봇에는 모션 감지 기능을 이용해 게스트가 교호작용을 시도하는 시점을 판단하는 가슴 장착 센서가 장착되어 있어 상호작용을 제어하는 일련의 모터가 작동한다.

모터는 호흡, 깜박임, 사카데 등과 같은 움직임을 허용하기 위해 층층이 쌓여서 '점점 복잡하고 생명체 같은 행동을 만들어 낸다'고 한다.

월트 디즈니는 97년 전 LA의 작은 사무실에서 '월트 디즈니 컴퍼니'를 시작했다.

그것은 제작사로 시작되었지만, 1950년대에 디즈니 기계화된 작은 장난감 새를 찾아냈고, 생물체를 모방하는 기계적인 구조물을 만들자는 생각을 촉진시켰다.

그리고 오늘날, 이러한 애니매트로닉스는 전 세계적으로 꼭 봐야 할 명소가 되었다.

디즈니 이매진저스는 여전히 이 시스템을 개선하기 위해 노력하고 있지만, 이 금속 기계를 인간과 같은 로봇으로 바꾸는 방법을 발견했다고 생각한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

via youtube

edited by kcontents

Disney specializes in bringing imagination to life, but its latest innovation takes this idea one step further – a robot designed with a realistic and interactive stare.

The company’s imagineers unveiled a skinless humanoid animatronic bust, complete with movable eyes, eyelids and brows to create a human-like gaze.

The robot is fitted with a chest-mounted sensor that uses motion detection to determine when a guest is attempting to engage, which activates a series of motors that control interactions.

The motors are layered to allow for movements such as breathing, blinking and saccades to ‘create increasingly complex and life-like behaviors.’

Scroll down for video 

Disney specializes in bringing imagination to life, but its latest innovation takes this idea one step further – a robot designed with a realistic and interactive stare

Walt Disney started ‘The Walt Disney Company’ 97 years ago in a small Los Angeles office.

It began as a production company, but in the 1950s Disney found a mechanized little toy bird on his travels, sparking the idea to create mechanical constructs to mimic living things.

And today, these animatronics have become a must-see attractions around the world. 

Disney Imagineers are still working on improving the systems, but believe they have found a method that turns the metal machines into a human-like robots.

The robot is fitted with a chest-mounted sensor that uses motion detection to determine when a guest is attempting to engage, which activates a series of motors that control interactions 

The robot has 19 degrees-of-freedom, but only makes use of its neck, eyes, eyelids and eyebrows -all of which are controlled by a proprietary software operating on a 100Hz real-time loop

The engineers recently published a study titled ‘Realistic and Interactive Robot Gaze,’ in which they write: ‘We present a general architecture that seeks not only to create gaze interactions from a technological standpoint, but also through the lens of character animation where the fidelity and believability of motion is paramount; that is, we seek to create an interaction which demonstrates the illusion of life.’

The robot has 19 degrees-of-freedom, but only makes use of its neck, eyes, eyelids and eyebrows -all of which are controlled by a proprietary software operating on a 100Hz real-time loop.

A chest-mounted sensor, combined with a camera, is used to identify people within the robot’s field-of-view and determines which stimuli is likely to engage based on a ‘curiosity score.’

‘The attention engine generates a ‘curiosity score’ assigned to that person indicating their salience/significance as well as how important it is for the robot character to respond to them,’ reads the study.

To do this, the team programmed the attention engine to gather 3D positions of people spotted in the camera.

This allows the system to identify which people are performing engaging reactions with the robot, such as waving, in addition to calculating how quickly individuals are moving.

The motors are layered to allow for movements such as breathing, blinking and saccades to ‘create increasingly complex and life-like behaviors

‘The way in which curiosity is calculated in our current system is fairly simplistic, being based upon locations and velocities of the hands and nose,’ the Imagineers wrote.

‘This selection of features was loosely informed by the way people attempt to gain attention from another person - e.g., moving closer/quickly to the person and waving their hands.’

Another layer, called ‘Behavior Selection Engine,’ is tasked with directing the behavior of the robot this includes read, glance, engage and acknowledge.

This engine also holds information about an engaged guest, similar to that of a short-term memory, keeping record of when the person first arrived and when the leave the robot’s field of view.

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Disney manufactures robot that can realistically gaze


