3분 만에 비행기로 변신하는 미래의 플라잉 카 VIDEO: uturistic flying 'AirCar' that can transform from a road vehicle into a plane in under THREE MINUTES takes to the skies for the first time

Futuristic flying 'AirCar' that can transform from a road vehicle into a plane in under THREE MINUTES takes to the skies for the first time

No price details have been revealed but it should be ready for sale next year 

It can travel at about 124 miles per hour for up to 600 miles, developers claim

It completed two test flights complete with take off and landing in Slovakia 


PUBLISHED: 16:15 GMT, 28 October 2020 | UPDATED: 18:27 GMT, 28 October 2020

3분 만에 비행기로 변신하는 미래의 플라잉 카

    도로 차량에서 항공기로 변신하여 단 3분 만에 갈 수 있는 날으는 스포츠카가 시험 비행의 일환으로 슬로바키아 상공에서 1,500피트(450m) 상공으로 비행했다고 개발자들은 말한다.

슬로바키아 기업 클라인비전이 개발한 에어카의 선정적인 영상에는 활주로를 달리다 날개를 펴기위해 멈춰 선 뒤 공중으로 치솟는 모습이 담겨 있다.

이것은 플라잉 카의 다섯 번째 원형이며 개발자들은 이것이 레저와 자율주행 여행, 또는 상업적인 택시 서비스에 좋을 것이라고 말한다

미래형 차량에 대한 가격 세부 사항은 공개되지 않았지만 한 번에 약 620마일(1,000km)을 여행할 수 있고 내년부터 공중과 도로에서 볼 수 있다.

개발자들에 따르면, 이번 주에 슬로바키아의 피에스타니 공항에서 1,500ft(450m) 상공에서 두 번째의 시험 비행을 완료하여 상업 비행에 한 걸음 더 가까워졌다고 한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

A flying sports car that can go from road vehicle to aircraft in just three minutes has flown 1,500ft in the air over Slovakia as part of a test flight, its developers say.

Sensational footage of the AirCar, developed by Slovakian firm KleinVision, shows it driving on a runway, stopping to deploy wings, and then soaring through the air.

This is the fifth prototype of the flying car and developers say it would be great for leisure and self-driving journeys, or as a commercial taxi service.

Sensational footage of the AirCar, developed by Slovakian firm KleinVision, shows it driving on a runway, stopping to deploy wings, and then soaring through the air

No price details have been revealed for the futuristic vehicle, but it can travel for about 620 miles at a time and could be seen in the air and on the roads from next year.

According to its developers it completed two 1,500ft test flights at Piestany Airport in Slovakia this week, bringing it a step closer to commercial flight. 

Designed by Professor Stefan Klein, the AirCar safely completed two takeoffs and landings as part of the test run.

Cars can be heavy, but planes must be light and so finding that balance for the AirCar was a major challenge for Klein and his team. 

This is the fifth version of the flying car and developers say it would be great for leisure and self-driving journeys, or as a commercial taxi service

The two-seat model, tested in Slovakia this week, weights 2,425lb and can carry an additional load of 440lb per flight, the company said.

Powered by a BMW 1.6l engine, the car-plane has an effective power output of 140HP and the estimated travel range of AirCar is 621 miles.

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Futuristic flying 'AirCar' that can transform from a road vehicle into a plane in under THREE MIN...


