건설현장 공사 중에 나오는 으스스한 것들 VIDEO: 7 of the Spookiest Things Found on Construction Sites

7 of the Spookiest Things Found on Construction Sites

October 29, 2020 Shane Hedmond

Construction work can unearth some pretty interesting items.  Think about it, many project begin with a piece of previously undeveloped land or land that hasn’t been touched for decades.  Sometimes the discoveries can be pretty awesome, like 1300 pounds of Ancient Roman Coins, but other times, the discoveries can be downright SPOOKY.  Since today is Halloween, the spookiest of all the days, we’re going to take you through 7 spooky things found on a construction jobsite.



   건설 공사현장은공사 중에 몇몇 꽤 흥미로운 것들을 발견할 수 있다. 많은 프로젝트들은 수십 년 동안 손대지 않았던 이전에 개발되지 않은 땅을 파는 것에서 시작된다. 

때때로  1300 파운드의 고대 로마 동전들 발견되는 경우도 있지만 때론 예상하지 못한 으시시한 것들도 많이 발견된다 .

그럼 미국의 건설현장에서 많이 발견된 으시시한  것들은 과연 무엇이 있을까

edited by kcontents

1. Human Bones 사람 뼈

A crew at a Hillsdale, Missouri construction site made a startling discovery after one of their trucks got stuck in a field in January.  After finding what appeared to be a human leg bone, the workers called 911 and authorities began an investigation.  Through the use of cadaver dogs, a medical examiner, and a crime scene unit, a human skull was also uncovered.  The good news was that no foul play was expected in the death of the person and the medical examiner’s office believes the remains may be historic.

Full story: Human bones found at construction site in Hillsdale | KMOV

2. Tombstones 묘비석

As contractors in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois were demolishing a site to make way for condos, a nearby neighbor noticed something startling in the soil stockpiles: tombstones and fragments of wood, which looked like caskets.  The neighbor then called ABC7 in Illinois to investigate the findings.  According to both the contractors on site and the nearby cemetery, no bodies were buried in the caskets.  A crises was definitely averted since there were no bodies on the site, but jobsite workers should be educated to stop work when such a discovery is made and contact officials to investigate.

Full story: Tombstones Uncovered on Oakbrook Terrace Construction Site Raise Questions | ABC7

3. A Floating Bridge Ghost 떠다니는 다리 귀신

Cameras are all over the place and it’s typically a good idea to have some surveillance on your job site, especially at night. A contractor in the UK was regretting that decision recently, though, when his CCTV cameras picked up what appears to be a woman in a wedding dress floating across the site.

4. A Severed Head 목 없는 시신

If bones and tombstones weren’t spooky enough for you, how about finding 1 severed head on your jobsite?  After spoils had been removed from a construction site in Sharnbrook, Bedforshire, England and transported to a Quarry in Cambridgeshire, a worker discovered the remains of the head.  It’s not yet known how the head ended up on site, but they believe the man could have been hit by a train and the head became stuck in a nearby bridge.  Officials think the head could have been there for anywhere between 10 and 50 years.

Full story: Severed head found in Cambridgeshire quarry may be that of accident victim | The Guardian

5. A Young Girl’s Casket 어린 소녀의 관

As contractor’s were working on a home renovation in San Fransisco, California, they came across what looked to be a small casket.  As it turns out, the home location was the former site of the Odd Fellows Cemetery, which had been moved to Colma, California in the 1930s.  Well, so they thought.  According to CBS, these caskets, which were buried around 120 years ago, turn up in residential construction progress every once in a while.  The owner of the home worked with an organization called Garden of Innocence, which helps to bury unidentified children, after the city would not allow a re-burial without a death certificate.

6. Hundreds of Rats 쥐떼

This is the stuff that many peoples’ nightmares are made of.  While demolishing some concrete in Brazil, workers uncovered a hundreds of rats living beneath the floors.  With each chunk of concrete removed, more rats would emerge and scurry away.  You can check out the video below:

7. A Black Bear 흑곰

Finding rats may be a little unsettling, but a bear on the jobsite can really get your heart pumping.  For this one, fright was really only the reaction made by one unsuspecting prank victim.  While minding his own business and walking past a job trailer, a construction worker looks to his right to find what he believes is a black bear.  It’s really only one of his mean/hilarious co-workers dressed as a bear, but the worker had already sprinted away as to not be eaten.  The rest of us can get a pretty good laugh out of it.



