미국, 180억불 규모 폴란드 원전 건설 참여 본격화 U.S. Secretary Brouillette and Poland’s Minister Naimski Sign Strategic Agreement on U.S..
U.S. Secretary Brouillette and Poland’s Minister Naimski Sign Strategic Agreement on U.S. - Poland Cooperation Towards Developing Poland’s Civil Nuclear Energy Program
OCTOBER 19, 2020
WASHINGTON, D.C. and WARSAW – Today, U.S. Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette and Poland’s Secretary of State for Strategic Energy Infrastructure Piotr Naimski discussed the signing of the first Intergovernmental Agreement to cooperate on the development of Poland’s civil nuclear power program. This 30 year Agreement, the first of its kind, represents an enduring energy bond between the United States and Poland.
미국, 180억불 규모 폴란드 원전 건설 참여 본격화 6개 원전 건설키로 동유럽서 잇다른 계약 오늘, 댄 브뤼울렛 미국 에너지장관과 피오트르 나이메스키 폴란드 전략에너지 인프라 담당 국무장관이 폴란드의 민간 원자력 프로그램 개발에 협력하기 위한 제1차 정부간 협정의 서명에 대해 논의했다. 최초의 30년 협정은 미국과 폴란드 사이에 지속되는 에너지 유대를 상징한다 트럼프 대통령은 폴란드 국민들에게 에너지 안보를 약속하며 "우리는 당신의 대체 에너지원에 대한 접근을 보장하는데 전념하고 있어 폴란드와 그 주변국들이 다시는 단일 에너지 공급자에게 인질로 잡히지 않을 것"이라고 분명히 밝혔다. 이 협정은 전체적인 전략적 에너지 파트너십 강화, 폴란드의 에너지 믹스 확대, 폴란드의 에너지 의존도를 강압적인 공급자에 대한 폴란드의 에너지 의존도를 줄임으로써 대통령의 약속을 이행한다. 이 협정은 미국과 폴란드가 향후 18개월 동안 폴란드의 원자력 계획을 이행하기 위한 설계도와 잠재적인 자금 조달 계획을 전달하는 보고서에 대해 협력할 것을 규정하고 있다. 이는 미국의 장기적 개입과 폴란드 정부가 자국 내 원전 건설 가속화에 대한 최종 결정을 내릴 수 있는 근거가 될 것이다. 그 외에도, 이 협정은 수십 년 동안 관련 사업체의 지원뿐만 아니라 공급망 개발, 대중의 인식 제고, 유럽의 프로젝트에 대한 공동 협력에 이르는 정부 주도의 노력과 규제, 연구, 훈련의 양면에서 앞으로 다가올 협력의 영역을 규정한다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator |
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President Trump promised the people of Poland energy security, stating unequivocally “we are committed to securing your access to alternate sources of energy, so Poland and its neighbors are never again held hostage to a single supplier of energy.” This Agreement delivers on the President’s promise by strengthening the overall strategic energy partnership, expanding Poland’s energy mix, and reducing Poland’s energy reliance on coercive suppliers.
The Agreement provides that over the next 18 months, the United States and Poland will work together on a report delivering a design for implementing Poland’s nuclear power program, as well as potential financing arrangements. This will be the basis for U.S. long-term involvement and for the Polish government to take final decisions on accelerating the construction of nuclear power plants in the country.
Beyond that, the agreement defines areas of cooperation for decades to come, both in support of relevant business entities, as well as government-led efforts ranging from regulatory, research and training, through developing supply chains, raising public awareness, to joint cooperation on projects in Europe.
Secretary Brouillette highlighted the U.S. nuclear industry’s continued interest in providing clean, reliable, and resilient nuclear energy to Poland as a means to strengthen energy security in the region. Minister Naimski recognized that, for Poland, this agreement is as much about clean energy and its security of supply as it is about wider geopolitical security, long-term economic growth, and technological advancement in Poland.
“The U.S. is committed to working with Poland to advance its national security, its regional security, and its democratic sovereignty,” said U.S. Secretary Brouillette. “The Trump Administration believes the key to energy security is energy diversity – a diversity of fuels, sources, and routes. Nuclear will provide a clean and reliable supply of electricity to the people of Poland, as well as enhance their energy diversity and security. The next generation of nuclear energy must be a part of the energy security conversation with our allies in Europe and around the world.”
Poland’s Secretary of State for Strategic Energy Infrastructure, Piotr Naimski underlined that for Poland “this agreement is not only about clean energy and its security of supply. Poland sees this strategic cooperation in a wider context. It is about geopolitical security, long-term economic growth, technological advancement, and development of a new industrial sector in Poland.”
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“This agreement marks several major milestones, not only does it strengthen Polish-American relations, but it is an announcement to the rest of the world that America is back in the nuclear business, thanks to U.S. cutting edge technology. Nuclear energy has never been safer, more affordable, or more flexible. We are ready to help our partners achieve energy security while cleaning up the environment by providing both technology and financing,” said U.S. Ambassador to Poland, Georgette Mosbacher.
Poland’s Ambassador to the U.S., Piotr Wilczek shared that “Poland wants USA to be the strategic partner in this program. Given the time it takes to build, operate, and decommission nuclear power plants, this partnership would represent a strategic choice for the next 100 years.”
This historic agreement was signed by Secretary Brouillette on October 19 and will be signed by Minister Naimski once it is received in Warsaw, Poland. It will become effective upon the exchange of diplomatic notes between both countries informing each other that they have completed all applicable requirements for its entry into force.
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