2020년 글로벌 100대 브랜드...1위는 그리고 한국은? Best Global Brands 2020

Best Global Brands 2020

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Samsung Electronics Becomes Top Five in Interbrand’s Best Global Brands 2020

Korea on October 20, 2020

Samsung ranked 5th place with brand value of USD 62.3 billion, a twelvefold increase from its initial evaluation in 2000

Business Korea

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Samsung Electronics announced today that it has become number five in the Best Global Brands 2020 list announced by Interbrand, a global brand consulting company, with its largest-ever brand value of USD 62.3 billion.

Despite the challenging business environment brought on global companies by COVID-19 in 2020, Samsung saw a 2% rise in brand value from USD 61.1 billion in 2019 to USD 62.3 billion this year. Samsung ascended to the global top five in three years after reaching number six in the list of Best Global Brands 2017.

The company has been recording consistent growth in terms of brand value since starting in 43rd place in 2000 when Interbrand began publishing the Best Global Brands. Since entering the top ten with a number nine rank in 2012, Samsung has continued its steady climb, reaching 6th place in 2017 and 5th place in 2020. Samsung’s move upwards in Interbrand’s list of 100 most valuable brands in the world was backed by the continuous introduction of innovative products and implementation of broad marketing activities on the global stage.

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Hyundai Motor rises to top five automotive brands in Interbrand’s 2020 Global Brand ranking

Hyundai Motor Company continues to grow its global brand value and stature among automakers, according to Interbrand’s Best Global Brands 2020
October 20, 2020

Hyundai Motor Company continues to grow its global brand value and stature among automakers, according to Interbrand’s Best Global Brands 2020. The survey shows Hyundai Motor’s global brand value up 1 percent year-on-year to $14.3 billion, ranking fifth among global automotive brands and 36th overall despite recessionary market conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

ET Auto

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Hyundai Motor has listed within Interbrand’s top 40 global companies for six consecutive years. Since entering the ranks of the top 100 companies in terms of brand value in 2005, Hyundai Motor has remained in the top 100 for 15 consecutive years.

“Hyundai Motor Company’s brand value rise can be attributed to its substantial expansion of future mobility business and continuous investments in its brand, such as the announcement of its dedicated electric vehicle brand IONIQ,” said Mike Rocha, Interbrand Brand Valuation Global Director. “We have positively valued the company’s active and proactive approach to the market changes as a sustainable brand, encompassing its expansion of online sales channels, rapid response to social contribution activities and actual increase in sales of battery electric and fuel-cell electric vehicles.”

Hyundai Motor’s commitment to mobility electrification was most recently demonstrated with the launch of its dedicated EV brand IONIQ. Under IONIQ, the company will leverage its industry-leading manufacturing know-how in EVs to introduce three new dedicated models over the next four years with more innovative models to follow. The creation of IONIQ lineup brand is in response to fast-growing market demand and accelerates Hyundai’s plan to lead the global EV market.

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2020년 글로벌 100대 브랜드

    삼성전자[005930]와 현대자동차의 브랜드 가치가 일제히 상승하며 올해 각각 글로벌 브랜드 5위, 글로벌 자동차 브랜드 5위라는 기록을 처음으로 세웠다.

글로벌 브랜드 컨설팅 전문업체인 '인터브랜드'(Interbrand)는 '2020년 최고 글로벌 브랜드(Best Global Brands)를 20일 발표했다.

1위 애플, 2위 아마존, 3위 마이크로소프트, 4위 구글에 이어 삼성전자가 5위(623억달러)에 올랐다. 삼성전자는 한국 기업으로는 처음으로 5위권에 들며 애플, 아마존 등과 어깨를 나란히 했다.


(서울=연합뉴스) 박영석 기자 zeroground@yna.co.kr


