바다에서 영원히 살수 있는 로봇 돌고래 VIDEO: Life-like robotic dolphin designed by Hollywood animatronics firm involved in blockbusters ‘Free Willy’ ..

Life-like robotic dolphin designed by Hollywood animatronics firm involved in blockbusters ‘Free Willy’ and ‘Anaconda’ could replace the thousands of marine animals in captivity

A firm has built a life-like robotic dolphin that could be used at theme parks

The machine weighs 550 pounds and is more than eight feet long

It is capable of mimicking the movements and sounds of a real dolphin 

The robot is remote controlled and a battery that provides 10 hours of  swimming


PUBLISHED: 13:09 BST, 14 October 2020 | UPDATED: 17:48 BST, 15 October 2020


할리우드에 등장한 로봇 돌고래

최대 10시간의수영 가능

  전세계적으로 거의 3,000마리의 돌고래가 사육되고 있지만, 새로운 혁신은 이 생물들이 집으로 돌아가 여전히 사람들이 바다 생활을 경험할 수 있도록 해줄 수 있다.

미국의 애니매트로닉스 회사인 엣지 이노베이션은 동물의 움직임과 소리를 흉내내는 생명체 같은 로봇 돌고래를 만들어 인간이 상호작용할 수 있는 살아있는 돌고래의 환상을 만들어냈다.

병코돌고래와 비슷하게, 550 파운드(249kg)의 이 기계는 의학용 실리콘으로 만들어진 피부와 최대 10시간의 수영이 가능한 배터리로 디자인되었다.

이 연구팀은 이 로봇 해양 포유 동물이 언젠가 후프를 뚫고 테마 파크에서 곡예를 하기를 희망하지만, 한 마리의 제작 비용은 300만 달러에서 500만 달러까지 든다.

"내가 이 돌고래를 처음 봤을 때, 그것이 진짜일 것이라고 생각했어요." 리모컨으로 조종되는 이 생명체와 함께 수영을 한 한 한 여성이 말했다.

캘리포니아에 본사를 둔 엣지 이노베이션은 할리우드 영화 '프리 윌리', '딥 블루 씨', '아나콘다'에서 사용되는 생명체 같은 수중 생물들로 유명하다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

via youtube

edited by kcontents

There are nearly 3,000 dolphins in captivity around the world, but a new innovation could let these creatures to return home and still allow people to experience sea life.

Edge Innovations, a US animatronics company, has built a a life-like robotic dolphin that mimics the animal's movements and sounds - creating the illusion of a live dolphin that humans can interact with.

Resembling a bottlenose dolphin, the 550-pound machine is deigned with skin made from medical-grade silicone and a battery that allows for up to 10-hours of swimming.

The team hopes the robotic marine mammal will one day jump through hoops and perform acrobatics at theme parks - but the starting cost for one is $3 million to $5 million.

Scroll down for video 

Edge Innovations, a US animatronics company, has built a a life-like robotic dolphin that mimics the animal's movements and sounds - creating the illusion of a live dolphin that humans can interact with

'When I first saw the dolphin, I thought it could be real,' said a woman who swam with the remote-controlled creature.

California-based Edge Innovations is known for its life-like aquatic creatures used in Hollywood films 'Free Willy,' 'Deep Blue Sea' and 'Anaconda.'

The firm is now working on bringing these robotic wonders to the public and hopes the technology will one day entertain crowds at theme parks, instead of wild animals held in captivity.

Edge Innovations founder and CEO Walt Conti said: ' There are like 3,000 dolphins currently in captivity being used to generate several billions of dollars just for dolphin experiences. And so there's obviously an appetite to love and learn about dolphins.'  

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U.S. engineering company creates life-like robot dolphin  kcontents

