홍콩 건축학회, 저렴한 주택공모에 '모듈러 & 세대간 공동체' 당선작 선정 Modular & Inter-generational Community in Hong Kong

Modular & Inter-generational Community in Hong Kong

12 Oct 2020

Modular & Inter-generational Community HK

Design: Arnold Yok Fai Wong Architect

Location: Hong Kong, China

Hong Kong Institute of Architects had announced the winning design of the HKIA Young Architect Award (HKIA YAA). The competition with the theme “Housing+ – Re-imagine affordable housing and better living“, asked local architects aged 35 or below to propose innovative and unique design proposals for the local housing communities.


홍콩 건축학회, 저렴한 주택공모에  '모듈러 & 세대간 공동체' 당선작 선정

   홍콩 건축학회가 'HKIA YAA'(HKIA Young Architect Award) 수상작을 발표했었다. '주택+저렴한 주거와 더 나은 삶을 상상하라'는 주제로 열린 이번 공모전은 35세 이하 지역 건축가들에게 지역 주택공동체를 위한 혁신적이고 독특한 설계안을 제안해 달라고 요청했다.

아놀드 요크 파이웡의 '모듈라 & 세대간 공동체'라는 제목의 당선작 디자인은 도시의 남은 에어 스페이스와 모듈러 건설방식을 통해 저렴한 주택의 적응성과 생활성, 건축성을 다시 상상한다.

홍콩은 건설할 수 있는 토지 공급이 매우 제한된 인구 밀집 도시다 이 제안은 고속도로 아래의 사용되지 않는 공간을 활용하기 위해 퀘리 만의 IEC(아일랜드 이스트 코리더) 끝에 배치되어 있다. '에어 스페이스'를 '에어라이트'로 활용함으로써 홍콩의 한정된 '랜드 스페이스'를 보존할 수 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

The winning design, titled “Modular & Inter-generational Community” by Arnold Yok Fai Wong, re-imagines the adaptability, livability and buildability of affordable housing through using leftover Air Space in the city and Modular Construction Method.

Hong Kong is known as a densely populated city with very limited land supply to build upon. Learning from the Air Rights in the New York City, the proposal is strategically located at the end of the Island East Corridor (IEC) at Quarry Bay to make use of the unused air space beneath the highway. Through using “Air Space” as “Air Rights”, the limited “Land Space” in Hong Kong can be preserved.

Therefore, the proposal anticipates the Government will promote Air Rights by giving bonus floor area and exemption of site area as an incentive for the developers. Assuming two storeys and 80% of the 2km long Air Space below Island East Corridor are suitable for construction, around 1,300 Residential Units can be built underneath.

Modular construction has not been very popular in Hong Kong until the Building Department officially announce in 2019 that 6% of the Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) floor area of a new building may be disregarded from the Gross Floor Area (GFA) upon application. With such, this project fully explores the potential of the MiC together with the introduction of the first “Suspended Modular Integrated Construction” (SMiC) to work with the “Air Right” by suspending under the bridges.

The construction will start by completing 3 main structural cores using slipform construction method before installing 320 nos. of MiC comprised of the following 6 programmatic modules:

1. Residential MiC

(One Bedroom MiC can be converted to Two Bedrooms MiC)

2. Sky Garden MiC

3. Library MiC

4. Shop MiC

5. Office MiC

6. Climbing Wall & Back of House MiC

While the project is vertically dense, it also provides a pedestrian-friendly horizontal streetscape for the community and human scale by creating The Social Valley, a central hub that promotes diverse social opportunities with various active and passive programs:

1. Library with amphitheatre seating area

2. A 10 wide walking & jogging lane for all generations users

3. Climbing facilities for sports enthusiasts

4. Shops and Restaurants operated by residents

5. Central plaza for events and weekend flea market

Further to SBD Guideline that almost all development in Hong Kong will comply with, this project proposes a Self-Sustainable Building Design Guideline (SSBD) to further promote environmentally and financially sustainable building features with the following measures:

1. The 10% GFA concessions as imposed in SBD Guideline will be relaxed to 15% if the development fulfill SSBD Guideline

2. SSBD Environmental Requirement:

– 25% of the energy consumption shall be derived from Renewable Energy such as PV Panels and Highway Gravitational Energy, data shows that around 250,000 cars use the two-way of the Island East Corridor every day.

3. SSBD Financial Requirement:

– All the Shops and Offices here must be operated by the Residents and Social Enterprises respectively

– Rental income shall be used for Building Management and Maintenance purposes only

Modular & Inter-generational Community Hong Kong in HK – Building Information

Title: Modular & Inter-generational Community – Re-imagination of Affordable Housing and Building Regulations in Hong Kong

Competition: Winner of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects Young Architect Award

Location: Hong Kong

Year: 2020

Designed by: Arnold Yok Fai Wong

Modular & Inter-generational Community Hong Kong images / information from Architect Arnold Yok Fai Wong



