영국 최초 로봇 벽돌공 주택 건설 참여 VIDEO: Robot bricklayer is building a three-bedroom house in East Yorkshire in 'UK first'

Bot the builder! Robot bricklayer is building a three-bedroom house in East Yorkshire in 'UK first'

Robot-aided construction on the house in Everingham began on September 28

The machine from York-based Construction Automation lays bricks and mortar

It is controlled by two operators using a tablet — and needs to be fed materials

The robot's construction work is faster, safer and better quality, the owners said 


영국 최초 주택 건설 로봇 벽돌공 참여

   영국 최초로, 이스트 요크셔 주 에버링엄에 있는 침실 세 개짜리 주택이 사람보다는 로봇 벽돌공의 도움으로 지어지고 있다.

요크에 본사를 둔 건설 오토메이션에 의해 만들어진 이 기계는 벽돌, 블록 등을 모두 시공할 수 있다.

올해 9월 28일 이 주택에 대한 공사가 시작되었으며, 일주일간의 지연을 초래한 '문제'로 인해 약 3주 후에 완공될 것으로 예상된다.

'이 집은 영국에서 로봇에 의해 지어진 첫 번째 집이다.'

이 로봇은 태블릿 기반의 사용자 인터페이스에 의해 제어되며, 건축 계획의 디지털 사본을 읽을 수 있는 '소박한 소프트웨어 제어 시스템'을 채택하고 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

via youtube

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 15:20 BST, 7 October 2020 | UPDATED: 15:33 BST, 7 October 2020

In a first for UK construction, a three-bedroom house in Everingham, East Yorkshire is being built with help of a robot bricklayer rather human labourers.

Built by York-based firm Construction Automation, the machine is capable of setting down all the bricks, blocks and mortar — and can even 'build around corners'.

Construction on the house  began on September 28 this year — and is expected to be completed in around three weeks after 'teething problems' caused a week's delay.


In a first for UK construction, a three-bedroom house in Everingham, East Yorkshire is being built with help of a robot bricklayer (pictured)rather human labourers

Built by York-based firm Construction Automation, the machine (pictured) is capable of setting down all the bricks, blocks and mortar — and can even 'build around corners'

'It is the first house in the UK to be built by a robot,' Construction Automation director and founder David Longbottom told the BBC.

He added that, after extensive research, the firm was certain that there was 'no house-building robot in use like this.'

The robot is controlled by a tablet-based user interface and employs a 'sophisticated software control system' that allows it to read digital copies of architectural plans.

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UK-developed robot bricklayer builds house 


