VIDEO: Top 5 Japan's Coolest Robots - Technology of the Future Today
Top 5 Japan's Coolest Robots - Technology of the Future Today
Japan's coolest robots: Technology of the future today. TOP 5. The Coolest Robots 2020. New robots 2020. New Technology 2020. Today, Japan is one of the world leaders in robot production for all spheres of life.
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Watch the Top 5 of Japan's largest robotic giants and their coolest Japanese robots.
1. Honda robots (ASIMO humanoid robot, exoskeletons, mobile devices, Honda 3E Concept Robotics service robots).
2. Robots Toyota (robot avatar T-HR3, robots for Olympic Games 2020, robot companion or home robot Kirobo Mini).
3. YASKAWA industrial and medical robots.
4. Incredible robots FANUC.
5. Kawada humanoid robots (aka barista, Nextage and HRP series humanoid research robots).