아마존의 물건 자동 결제 손 인식 시스템...상용화 눈앞 VIDEO: Amazon tests letting customers pay with their PALM using a recognition system...

Amazon tests letting customers pay with their PALM using a recognition system that links a credit card to unique hand signatures

Amazon has unveiled its palm recognition system at two of its physical stores

The system is comprised of a scanner that creates a unique 'palm signature'

This is then linked to a customer's credit card, allowing them to pay for items 

The firm is testing them in Seattle but sees it being used in stadiums and offices 


PUBLISHED: 15:09 BST, 29 September 2020 | UPDATED: 17:48 BST, 29 September 2020


아마존의 물건 자동 결제 손 인식 시스템

   아마존은 시애틀 매장의 2개 매장에서 고객이 간하게 물건값을 지불할 수 있는 새로운 손바닥 인식 시스템을 공개했다.

아마존원이라고 불리는 이 기술은 표면적 세부사항을 모아 개인별로 독특한 '팜 시그니처'를 만들어 신용카드로 연결한다.

이 장치는 두 곳의 아마존 매장에서 시범 운영되며, 앞으로 몇 달 동안 더 추가될 예정이다.

이 전자상거래 대기업은 결제와 함께 자사의 손바닥 읽기 시스템이 '의리 카드 제시, 경기장 같은 곳에 들어가거나 직장에 들어가는 것'과 같은 용도로 사용되고 있다고 보고 있다.

아마존은 손인식을 이용해 고객을 식별하는 '터치리스 스캐닝 시스템' 특허가 수여되는 등 꽤 오랜 기간 손인식을 진행해 왔다.

이 특허는 2018년 6월 21일 출원해 미국 특허청이 12월 26일 발행했지만, 현재 아마존은 작동 장치를 내놓았다.

아마존은 얼굴보다 손금 인식이 더 안전하기 때문에 손금 인식을 선택했다고 한다.

딜립 쿠마르 부통령은 이 발표에서 다음과 같이 썼다.'한 가지 이유는 손바닥의 이미지를 보고 사람의 신원을 파악할 수 없기 때문에 손바닥 인식이 일부 생체 인식 대안보다 더 사적인 것으로 간주되기 때문이다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

Amazon unveiled a new palm recognition system at two of its Seattle stores that allows customers to pay for items with a simple wave of the hand.

Called Amazon One, the technology creates a unique 'palm signature' for each individual by gathering surface-area details and links it to a credit card.

The device is being piloted at two Amazon Go locations, with more being added over the next few months.

Along with making payments, the e-commerce giant sees its palm reading system being used for things like 'presenting a loyalty card, entering a location like a stadium or badging into work.'

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Amazon unveiled a new palm recognition system at two of its Seattle stores that allows customers to pay for items with a simple wave of the hand

Amazon has been working on the palm recognition system for quite some time, as last December the firm was awarded a patent for a 'touchless scanning system' that identifies customers using hand recognition.

The patent was filed on June 21, 2018 and published December 26 by the US Patent & Trademark Office, but now Amazon has rolled out a working device.

Amazon says it chose palm recognition over facial because it is more secure. 

Vice president Dilip Kumar wrote in the announcement:'One reason was that palm recognition is considered more private than some biometric alternatives because you can't determine a person's identity by looking at an image of their palm. 

The device is being piloted at two Amazon Go locations in Seattle, with more being added over the next few months 

Amazon creates a unique 'palm signature' for each individual by gathering surface-area details and links it to a credit card. A 2019 patent for the system says it is comprised of an infrared light source, a controller and camera

'It also requires someone to make an intentional gesture by holding their palm over the device to use.'

'And it's contactless, which we think customers will appreciate, especially in current times. Ultimately, using a palm as a biometric identifier puts customers in control of when and where they use the service.'

Although Amazon did not provide details of how the technology works in Tuesday's announcement, the patent explains that the scanner is comprised of an infrared light source, a controller and camera.

Users would simply bring their items to the register and wave their hand across the scanner to complete the purchase.

That data would then be linked to patrons' bank information, meaning customers would be able to waive their hands in front of a scanner and complete the transaction in under a second. 

This also means that customers do not have to have an Amazon account to start using Amazon One - they just need a mobile phone number and a credit card. 

'No two palms are alike, so we analyze all these aspects with our vision technology and select the most distinct identifiers on your palm to create your palm signature,' Kumar said in a blog post.

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Amazon's new device lets users pay with their palm, but does it go far enough to protect privacy  kcontents

