고립된 부상자를 신속히 구조 위한 제트 수트 VIDEO: Rocket-powered paramedics: Air Ambulance service announces plans to use JETSUITS to find and treat stranded ramblers in the Lake District

Rocket-powered paramedics: Air Ambulance service announces plans to use JETSUITS to find and treat stranded ramblers in the Lake District

Richard Browning invented the suit in part to inspire children to get more into science and engineering

He demonstrated the potential for the suit to be used by emergency services at an event in the Lake District

In a test flight he found a group of 'ramblers' playing the part of an injured group within eight minutes

This was a search operation that would have taken paramedics up to an hour if they were doing it on foot


PUBLISHED: 10:47 BST, 29 September 2020 | UPDATED: 14:17 BST, 29 September 2020


고립된 부상자를 신속히 구조 위한 제트 수트

  에어 앰뷸런스 구급대원들은 성공적으로 시험 비행을 한 후, 이르면 내년 여름 호수 지역의 산에서 부상당하거나 고립된 사람을 발견하여 치료하기 위해 로켓 추진 수트을 사용할 수 있다.

시험 운행의 일환으로, 헬리콥터 경우 3배나 시간이 더 걸리고 구급요원이 걸어서 적어도 한 시간이 걸리는 장소를 8분 이내에 헬블린 산의 935m정상에 도달할 수 있었다.

그레이트 노스 에어 앰뷸런스 서비스(GNAAS)는 브라우닝과 이번 시험 비행까지 1년 넘게 제트슈트를 사용하기로 협의해 왔으며, 첫 번째 공식 사용은 빠르면 내년 여름까지 가능할 것이라고 제안했다.

아이언맨에서 영감을 받은 제트 슈트는 34만 파운드에 팔리고 있지만 브라우닝과 그의 회사 그라비티는 이 슈트를 필요로 하는 긴급 서비스 기관과 임대 계약을 고려하고 있다고 말한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

Air Ambulance paramedics could be using rocket-powered suits to find and treat injured or stranded ramblers on mountains in the lake district as soon as next summer, after a successful test flight.

The flying suit, developed by inventor Richard Browning, was put through its paces at Langdale Pike where he flew over difficult terrain at heights of up to 20ft searching for a group of ramblers. 

As part of a test run, it was able to reach the peak 3,117ft peak of Helvellyn mountain in under eight minutes - it would take a helicopter three times as long and a paramedic on foot would take at least an hour. 

Great North Air Ambulance Service (GNAAS) have been in discussions with Browning to use the jetsuit for more than a year up to this test flight and suggest the first official use could be as early as next summer. 

The Marvel Iron Man-inspired jet suits sell for £340,000 but Browning, and his firm Gravity, says it is considering a lease arrangement with emergency services who need them. 

Amazing footage shows a 'real life Iron Man' Richard Browning demonstrating how Air Ambulance medics could rescue stranded ramblers in just minutes using a jet pack

The jet suits sell for £340,000 but Browning, and his firm Gravity, says it is considering a lease arrangement with emergency services who need them

Andy Mawson, Great North Air Ambulance Service (GNAAS) director of operations saw the potential for the jet suits in the Lakes and other rugged terrain covered by GNAAS when he saw footage of Browning flying in the suit online. 

GNAAS and Gravity have been in discussions for a year, culminating in the test flight two weeks ago that saw a simulated rescue at Langdale on The Band, Bowfell. 

The ambulance service stressed it was only a test flight but what looked like science fiction is soon expected to become science fact.

GNAAS is carrying out a few modifications to the jet pack suit before it is anticipated to be used for real as early as next summer. 

Mawson, said the biggest benefit to be gained from a jet pack is speed as they will allow first responders to reach an injured person, or locate a missing group, more quickly than other methods.

Andy Mawson, Great North Air Ambulance Service (GNAAS) director of operations saw the potential for the jet suits in the Lakes and other rugged terrain covered by GNAAS when he saw footage of Browning flying in the suit online

GNAAS and Gravity have been in discussions for a year, culminating in the test flight two weeks ago that saw a simulated rescue at Langdale on The Band, Bowfell

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Amazing Footage as ‘Iron Man’ Paramedic Jet Suit Tested in Lake District 


