수소 동력 상업용 비행기 세계 최초 비행 성공 VIDEO: World's first 'commercially available' full-scale plane powered by hydrogen takes...

World's first 'commercially available' full-scale plane powered by hydrogen takes to the skies over Britain in major step towards zero-emissions flights

Six-seater Piper M-class aircraft completed a 20-minute flight from Cranfield Airport in Bedfordshire 

The small and commercially available plane is powered by hydrogen fuel cells which produces zero emissions

The firm which made the plane, ZeroAvia, received £2.7million in September 2019 in government funding

ZeroAvia will next try and fly the six-seater hydrogen-powered plane 250 miles from the Orkney islands 


PUBLISHED: 17:16 BST, 25 September 2020 | UPDATED: 17:35 BST, 25 September 2020


수소 동력 상업용 비행기 세계 최초 비행 성공

    수소로 구동되는 실물 크기의 상업용 항공기가 세계 최초로 베드포드셔 상공에서 성공적인 비행을 마쳤다.

처녀비행을 한 이 회사는 미국과 영국의 제로아비아라는 회사인데, 이 회사는 2023년까지 상업용 항공이 탄소 무배출이 되기를 바라고 있다.

20분간의 성공적인 비행에서는 택시, 이륙, 풀 패턴 회로, 착륙이 포함되었으며, 올해 말 오르크니 제도에서 250마일 비행이 뒤따를 것이다.

수소 연료 전지는 화학 반응을 통해 수소와 산소를 혼합하여 배터리와 모터를 작동시키는 전기를 만든다.

이 과정에서 배출되는 폐기물은 온실가스 배출의 주범인 기존 항공과 달리 물뿐이다.

이전의 연구는 비행이 기후 변화에 약 3.5퍼센트 기여를 한다는 것을 발견했다.

3/2 정도는 비행운, 나머지는 비 CO2의 배출에 기인한다

제로아비아의 발 미프타호프 최고경영자(CEO)는 '이것이 우리 팀에 무엇을 의미하는지 말로 표현하기 어렵지만, 무배출 비행에 관심이 있는 모든 사람들에게도 그렇다.

'일부 실험 항공기가 수소 연료 전지를 동력원으로 사용하여 비행한 반면, 상업적으로 이용 가능한 이 항공기의 크기는 유료 승객들이 진정으로 방전되지 않는 비행에 곧 탑승할 수 있음을 보여준다.'

그 회사의 하이플라이어 프로젝트는 작년에 정부 자금으로 270만 파운드를 받았다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

A full-size, commercially-available aeroplane powered by hydrogen has completed a successful flight over the skies of Bedfordshire, in a world first. 

The company behind the maiden flight is a US-UK firm called ZeroAvia which hopes commercial aviation can be emission free by 2023. 

The successful 20-minute flight included a taxi, take-off, full pattern circuit and landing, and will be followed by a 250-mile flight from the Orkney Islands later this year.  

The flight is thought to be the first time a 'commercially available' plane has been flown while powered by hydrogen fuel cells  

The company behind the maiden flight is a US-UK firm called ZeroAvia, hopes commercial aviation can be emission free by 2023. Its research and development facilities are located at Cranfield airport, which is owned by Cranfield University 

The six-seater Piper M-class aircraft took off from Cranfield Airport, which is also the location of ZeroAvia's research and development facilities. 

Hydrogen fuel cells create electricity to power a battery and motor by mixing hydrogen and oxygen — which is provided by the air — via a chemical reaction.   

The only waste product produced by this process is water, unlike traditional aviation which is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. 

Previous research found flying is responsible for about 3.5 per cent of humanity's contribution to climate change.

Around two-thirds originates from contrails and other non-CO2 emissions.

ZeroAvia chief executive Val Miftakhov said: 'It's hard to put into words what this means to our team, but also for everybody interested in zero-emission flight.

'While some experimental aircraft have flown using hydrogen fuel cells as a power source, the size of this commercially available aircraft shows that paying passengers could be boarding a truly zero-emission flight very soon.'

The company's Hyflyer project last year received £2.7million in government funding. 

A chart illustrating aviation emissions' impact on the environment. Contrails warm the planet by reflecting heat back down to Earth, though they do have a lesser cooling effect by reflecting sunlight back into space

On Monday Airbus unveiled concepts for three hydrogen-fuelled aircraft it said could enter service by 2035. The planes are called the turbofan, turboprop and the blended-wing body

While the company claims this flight was ground-breaking, other examples of hydrogen-powered planes do exist. 

Back in 2016, an aircraft called HY4, which can carry four people, completed a flight from Stuttgart Airport in Germany powered solely by hydrogen fuel cells.

The HY4 was developed by researchers at the German Aerospace Center alongside 'industry and research partners.' 

But the unique aspect of the ZeroAvia flight is that the Piper M-class is commercially available, whereas HY4 is not. 

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World's first hydrogen powered plane takes flight in Cranfield, UK  KCONTENTS

