에어버스, 수소 동력 탄소배출 제로 기종 디자인 공개 VIDEO: Around the world in ZERO emissions: Airbus unveils concept images of an eco-friendly fleet of the future

Around the world in ZERO emissions: Airbus unveils concept images of an eco-friendly fleet of the future


ZEROe designs are powered by hydrogen and called the turbofan, turboprop and 'blended-wing body' plane

Airbus claims the three concept planes are the first zero-emission commercial aircraft and will be live by 2035

All three would be powered by modified gas-turbine engines that burn liquid hydrogen as fuel, and through hydrogen fuel cells to create electrical power


PUBLISHED: 16:23 BST, 21 September 2020 | UPDATED: 12:16 BST, 22 September 2020

에어버스, 수소 동력 탄소배출 제로 기종 디자인 공개 

    에어버스는 수소 연료에 의해 주로 동력을 공급받으며 탄소제로 무배출기종을 공개했다.

에어버스는 수소 하이브리드 개념이 세계 최초의 무배출 상업용 항공기가 될 것이라고 주장한다.

에어버스는 이 비행기들은 터보팬, 터보프롭, 혼합 날개 몸체로 불리며 2035년까지 취항할 수 있도록 계획됐다고 밝혔다.

기욤 페어리 에어버스 사장은 '지금은 상업 항공 부문 전체에 역사적인 순간이며 우리는 이 산업이 지금까지 보아온 가장 중요한 전환에서 주도적인 역할을 할 것이다.

'오늘 우리가 공개한 개념은 탄소 무배출 비행의 미래에 대한 대담한 비전을 추진하고자 하는 우리의 야망을 전 세계에 엿볼 수 있게 해준다.

'나는 합성 연료와 상업용 항공기의 일차 동력원으로서 수소를 사용하는 것이 항공의 기후 영향을 현저하게 감소시킬 수 있는 잠재력을 가지고 있다고 강하게 믿는다.'

터보팬 디자인은 엔진이 각 날개와 표준 동체가 놓여 있는 현재 일반 평면의 이미지와 가장 흡사하다.

에어버스에 따르면, 200명의 승객을 수용할 수 있을 것이고, 연료를 보충할 필요 없이 2,300마일을 여행할 수 있을 것이라고 한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

via youtube

edited by kcontents

Airbus has revealed a fleet of zero emissions planes which are primarily powered by hydrogen fuel and are carbon neutral. 

Airbus claims the three hydrogen-hybrid concepts will be the world's first zero-emission commercial aircraft.

The planes are called the turbofan, turboprop and the blended-wing body and are earmarked to enter service by 2035, Airbus says. 


The turbofan (top), turboprop (bottom), and blended-wing-body (right) configurations are all powered by hydrogen fuel 

Airbus chief executive Guillaume Faury said: 'This is a historic moment for the commercial aviation sector as a whole and we intend to play a leading role in the most important transition this industry has ever seen.

'The concepts we unveil today offer the world a glimpse of our ambition to drive a bold vision for the future of zero-emission flight.

'I strongly believe that the use of hydrogen – both in synthetic fuels and as a primary power source for commercial aircraft – has the potential to significantly reduce aviation's climate impact.'

The turbofan design most closely resembles the current image of a regular plane, with an engine sitting on each wing and a standard fuselage. 

It will have a capacity of 200 passengers and, according to Airbus, be able to travel 2,300 miles without the need for refuelling. 

The hydrogen-fuelled aircraft could enter service by 2035. Pictured, a concept image of the bizarre looking blended-wing body

Although this will not allow for flights across the Atlantic, it does cover other transcontinental routes. 

The turboprop however, is designed for short-haul trips and runs on propellers. 

While is has a similar, if smaller, body size, it closely resembles a traditional craft. 

However, the propeller-driven machine will have half the capacity of its bigger brother, the turbofan., with room for little over 100 people and a max journey of around 1,150 miles.  

The most distinctive and radical concept is named the 'blended-wing body' plane, which has the wings merging with the main body of the aircraft in a V-shape. 

This has similar statistics to the turbofan but its bizarre shape opens up a host of possibilities with the wide fuselage, which Airbus could make use for extra cabin space, or room for more hydrogen fuel. 

Airbus unveiled the three designs of the eco-friendly aircraft, the turbofan, turboprop and the blended-wing body. the turboprop is designed for short haul flights whereas the other two are larger and can carry 200 passengers more than 2,000 miles 

It closely resembles a similar design made by aviation rival KLM, whose Flying V design has started scale tests. 

The Dutch machine is named after Gibson's famous electric guitar and will carry up to 314 passengers, including some housed within its wings. It uses regular fuel derived from petroleum, but its design will make it 20 per cent more efficient.  

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