캐터필러 동력 단 전천후 지형 주행 트럭 VIDEO: Fat Truck is the Amphibious, All Terrain Vehicle That....

Fat Truck is the Amphibious, All Terrain Vehicle That You Probably Don’t Need, but Will Definitely Want

August 24, 2020 Shane Hedmond

There are some pretty cool ways to get to remote and difficult to navigate jobsites, like helicopters and this blimp-like aircraft, but I’ve never seen something quite as relatively affordable and attainable as the Fat Truck.  

via CAT and Zeal Motors, INc.


캐터필러 동력 단 전천후 지형 주행 트럭


    ㈜에티모터가 만든 '팻트럭 2.8 C'는 4륜 구동 전천후 지형 오프로드 차량으로, 자재와 총 8명의 승객을 싣고 원격 작업장으로 갈 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 물 위에 떠다닐 수도 있다. 이 차량은 버스 주행에 어려움을과 헬리콥터가 필요한 열악한 장소로 작업자들을 수송하기 위해 만들어졌다.

'팻트럭'은 송전선로, 송유관, 통신, 풍력 발전, 긴급구조 임무 등을 전문으로 한다.

이 자동차의 무게는 6천 파운드(2.7톤)이나 되고, 2,200 파운드(약 1톤)의 물체나 사람들을 실내로 실어나를 수 있으며, 최고 시속 20마일(32km)의 속도를 낼 수 있다. 원핸드 조이스틱에 의해 제어되며 지형의 필요에 따라 높이 5피트(1.5m), 폭 2피트(0.6m)인 타이어를 팽창 또는 감압하기 위해 컴프레서가 내장되어 있다.

연료 소비량은 이와 같은 장비에서 갤런당 마일로 측정되지 않지만, 제조사는 사용 시간 당 1.1~1.5갤런(4.1~5.7L)을 사용한다고 말하는데, 이는 하루 종일 작업하기에 충분한 효율이다.

팻트럭은 안전을 위해 롤오버 보호구조물 인증을 받았으며 승객이 안에 갇힐 경우를 대비해 강화유리 유리창을 깨는 유리망치도 장착했다.

루프 랙, 조명, 뒷좌석 안전벨트, 라디오, 루프 해치, 백업 카메라, 수륙양용 트레일러 등 다양한 사용자 지정 옵션을 이용할 수 있다. 이 차의 기본 가격은 127,500달러부터 시작한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

The Fat Truck 2.8 C, created by Zeal Motor Inc., is a four wheeled all-terrain off road vehicle that can not only haul materials and 8 total passengers to a remote job site, but can also float on water. The vehicle is designed for transporting work crews to difficult to navigate sites, where a bus would have trouble driving to and where a helicopter might be too expensive. 

Specializing in power line, pipeline, telecommunications, wind farm, and first responder rescue missions, the Fat Truck is not only useful, but something people that aren’t even in their target audience can appreciate and enjoy.

The vehicle weighs a hefty 6,000, can haul 2,200 pounds of material or people inside, and can reach a top speed of 20mph. It’s controlled by a one-handed joystick and has a built-in compressor in order to inflate or deflate the tires, which are 5 feet tall and 2 feet wide, based on the needs of the terrain.

via CAT and Zeal Motors, Inc.

Fuel consumption is not measured by miles per gallon on a piece of equipment like this, but the manufacturer says that it will use 1.1 to 1.5 gallons per hour of use, enough efficiency for a full days work.

For safety, the Fat Truck is certified as a Rollover Protective Structure and also includes a glass hammer to break the tempered glass windows in case passengers are trapped inside.

The Fat Truck is powered by a Cat 2.2C industrial engine, which delivers 67 horsepower to push the vehicle over the rough terrain.  The engine is positioned in the center of the vehicle’s interior for better balance.  There is a removable panel surrounding the engine to access for service.

A variety of customization options are available, including roof racks, lights, rear seat belts, radio, roof hatch, back up camera, and amphibious trailers, among others. The base price of the vehicle starts at $127,500.

For more information, you can check out the Fat Truck 2.8 C in action below:

Fat Truck powered by Caterpillar 



