코로나 재감염 공포...홍콩에서 첫 사례 발생 Covid-19 CAN strike twice: 33-year-old man in Hong Kong is the first person to get reinfected after...
Covid-19 CAN strike twice: 33-year-old man in Hong Kong is the first person to get reinfected after testing positive for a mutated strain of the virus four months after recovering
Genetic analysis revealed the second infection was caused by a different strain
The patient had returned from Spain to his home of Hong Kong
Doctors warned 're-infection can occur just a few months after recovery'
They said immunity may be short lived and antibodies wane over time
Covid-19 survivors can be reinfected twice, according to doctors in Hong Kong who report the first known case
PUBLISHED: 14:54 BST, 24 August 2020 | UPDATED: 15:19 BST, 24 August 2020
코로나 재감염 공포...홍콩에서 첫 사례 발생 코로나바이러스 변종에 의한 것 홍콩의 의사들에 따르면 코비드-19 생존자들은 다시 재감염될 수 있다고 한다. 건강한 33세의 홍콩 남성 환자는 4개월 전 가벼운 투병 후 코로나바이러스 양성 반응을 보였다. 유전자 분석 결과 2차 감염은 스페인 여행에서 돌아온 뒤 1차 감염과는 다른 코로나바이러스 변종에 의한 것으로 드러났다. 코로나바이러스는 전 세계에 퍼지면서 돌연변이를 일으키는데, 이는 유전적 염기서열에서 검출될 수 있다. 의사들은 '재감염이 회복된 지 불과 몇 달 후에 일어날 수 있다'는 그들의 연구 결과를 경고했다. 의사들은 그가 면역력이 작고 코비드-19에 대한 항체가 빨리 약해지기 때문일 것이라고 말했다. 그러나 이 남성은 두 번째 감염된 코비드-19의 증상은 없었다. 그는 공항에서 검진을 통해 발견되었다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator |
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Covid-19 survivors can be reinfected twice, according to doctors in Hong Kong who report the first known case.
The healthy 33-year-old patient tested positive for the coronavirus after a mild bout of the disease four months before.
Genetic analysis revealed the second infection was caused by a different strain of the coronavirus than the first, after he returned from a trip in Spain.
The coronavirus mutates as it spreads round the globe, and these can be detected in genetic sequencing.
Doctors warned their findings prove 're-infection can occur just a few months after recovery'.
They said it was likely because immunity is short lives and antibodies against Covid-19 wane quickly.
However, the man did not have symptoms of Covid-19 the second time - he had been discovered through screening at an airport.
The press release revealing the first known case of re-infection with Covid-19
This may suggest he had some level of immunity that protected him from severe disease.
Covid-19 survivors can be reinfected twice, according to doctors in Hong Kong who report the first known case
There have been a handful of reports claiming people have been struck with the coronavirus twice.
But until now, scientists have said it was likely a fault with testing, or that inactive particles of the virus are still present in the body.
Reinfections would hinder global efforts to contain the virus. But academics said this one singular report does not prove they occur.
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