공중 소변기는 코로나바이러스 전염 경로...마스크 반드시 착용해야 VIDEO: Why you should wear a mask when using a urinal! Flushing sends an invisible spray of coronavirus-laden

Why you should wear a mask when using a urinal! Flushing sends an invisible spray of coronavirus-laden particles 'climbing violently' into the air

Researchers modelled how urinals issue sprays of tiny particles when flushed

They found that 57 per cent of particles are ejected away from the urinal itself

These potentially virus-bearing particles hit one's thigh in just over five seconds

This is seven times faster than the equivalent spray from a regular toilet's flush

The team said urinals pose a 'serious public health challenge' amid COVID-19



PUBLISHED: 16:00 BST, 18 August 2020 | UPDATED: 20:11 BST, 18 August 2020


공중 소변기는 코로나바이러스 전염 경로...마스크 반드시 착용해야 

   소변기의 넘침은 코로나바이러스를 가득 실은 입자들을 공중으로 분산시키는 것으로 밝혀졌으며, 현재 전문가들은 공중화장실에서도 마스크를 착용할 것을 권고하고 있다.

중국의 연구원들은 소변기가 넘치게 되면 입자가 어떻게 배출되는지를 시뮬레이션 했는데, 이는 잠재적으로 전염될 수 있는 물방울의 보이지 않는 분무를 만들어냈다.

시험결과 연구원들은 입자의 57%가 소변기에서 배출된다는 것을 발견했으며 6초 이내에 사용자의 허벅지에 부딪칠 수 있다.

이번 연구결과는 일반 화장실을 발견한 팀의 이전 연구결과에 따른 것으로, 특히 변기 뚜껑이 열려 있을 경우, 넘치면 시 바이러스성 에어로졸의 구름도 방출된다.

그러나, 소변기에서 나오는 분무는 더 빠르고 더 멀리 이동할 것으로 예측된다.

소변기는 인구 밀도가 높은 지역에서 더 자주 사용되며, 연구원들은 소변기가 '심각한 공중보건 도전'을 야기한다는 점에 주목했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

The flush of a urinal causes coronavirus-laden particles to 'climb violently' into the air, a study found, with experts now recommending wearing masks in public toilets.

Researchers from China simulated how particles are expelled from urinals when the latter are flushed — creating an invisible spray of potentially infectious droplets.

They found that 57 per cent of the particles are ejected away from urinal, where they can hit the thigh of a user within less than six seconds.


The flush of a urinal causes coronavirus-laden particles to 'climb violently' into the air, a study found, with experts now recommending wearing masks in public toilets.  Pictured, the researcher's model of a urinal, seen at the start of the flush (left) and seconds later (right)

The findings follow previous work by the team which found regular toilets also issue clouds of potentially viral aerosols when flushed — especially if the lid is left up.

However, the spray from urinals is predicted to travel both faster and further.

Urinals are more frequently used in densely populated areas — and the researchers noted that they pose a 'serious public health challenge'. 

Scroll down for video 

The findings reinforce the importance of wearing masks to fight the public health threat posed by the novel coronavirus.

'From our work, it can be inferred that urinal flushing indeed promotes the spread of bacteria and viruses,' concluded Professor Liu. 

'Wearing a mask should be mandatory within public restrooms during the pandemic, and anti-diffusion improvements are urgently needed to prevent the spread of COVID-19.'

'From our work, it can be inferred that urinal flushing indeed promotes the spread of bacteria and viruses,' concluded Professor Liu. 'Wearing a mask should be mandatory within public restrooms during the pandemic, and anti-diffusion improvements are urgently needed to prevent the spread of COVID-19'

At present, the wearing of masks is mandatory in the UK in setting including on public transport, in transport hubs like railway stations, in shops and professional establishments, in entertainment facilities and in the public areas of hotels.

In their study, Professor Liu and colleagues created a computer simulation of what happens when a urinal is flushed. 

As with the emptying of a regular toilet, the flushing of a urinal creates a complex interface between the liquid in the latrine and the surrounding air.

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