[NASA 화성탐사선 발사 15주년] 마치 예술작품같은 화성의 눈사태 먼지 폭풍 이미지 VIDEO: Mars from above: NASA shares photos of the Red Planet captured by its Reconnaissance Orbiter to mark the spacecraft's 15th anniversary si..

Mars from above: NASA shares photos of the Red Planet captured by its Reconnaissance Orbiter to mark the spacecraft's 15th anniversary since launch - including a spectacular shot of an avalanche

The NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter launched for the Red Planet to study its geology on August 12, 2005

Over the 15 years the orbiter has been studying the Red Planet it has made some major scientific discoveries

This includes signs of briny water, avalanches and active seasonal changes such as dust storms and dunes 

To mark 15 years of operation a team from NASA JPL shared a selection of photos taken by the spaceship



PUBLISHED: 14:38 BST, 14 August 2020 | UPDATED: 15:51 BST, 14 August 2020

[NASA 화성탐사선 발사 15주년] 마치 예술작품같은 화성의 눈사태 먼지 폭풍 이미지

   화성 눈사태의 화려한 사진, 먼지 악마의 이미지, 그리고 지구의 장거리 이미지는 NASA가 화성 정찰위성 15년을 기념하기 위해 공유한 사진들 중 하나이다.

이 사진들은 모두 화성 주변에서 현재 활동 중인 장 오래된 우주선인 궤도선에 탑재된 장비를 이용해 우주에서 촬영한 것이다.

15년 전 지구를 떠난 이후, NASA의 화성 정찰 궤도선은 먼지 폭풍, 온도, 지표면 아래 광물에 대한 정보를 발견하는 것을 포함하여, 적색 행성에 대한 우리의 이해를 새롭게 했다.

하지만, 과학적인 발견은 주목할 만한 것이었지만, 이 궤도선은 외계 세계의 표면에서 주목할 만한 특징을 보여주는 놀라운 이미지로 가장 잘 알려져 있다.

MRO는 이 기구 중 세 대의 카메라를 탑재하고 있다. 19마일 폭의 흑백 지형 촬영용 피쉬아이 렌즈와 가장 인상적인 사진을 제공하는 고해상도 이미지 과학 실험(HiRISE)이다.

가장 높은 해상도로 표면 특징을 확대할 수 있는 HiRISE의 디테일한 컬러 이미지들은 지구인들을 사로잡은 적색 행성에서 극적인 자연의 장면을 포착했다.

이 장면들에는 폭설, 하늘을 긁어내는 먼지 악마, 그리고 화성이 단지 붉은 바위 그 이상임을 보여주는 변화하는 풍경들의 다른 특징들이 포함되어 있다.

이 카메라는 큐리오시티와 오퍼튜니티 탐사선, 화성 달 포보스, 심지어 지구의 사진과 같은 화성에 있는 다른 NASA 우주선의 이미지들도 제공했다.

2020년 8월 초 현재, 하이라이즈 카메라만 6,882,204개의 이미지를 촬영해 2006년 이후 화성에서 전송된 194테라바이트의 데이터를 생성했다

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

A spectacular shot of a Martian avalanche, an image of a dust devil and a long-distance portrait of planet Earth are among a selection of photos shared by NASA to mark 15 years of the agencies Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. 

The images were all taken of the Red Planet and its surroundings from space using equipment onboard the orbiter - which is the oldest spacecraft currently active around Mars. 

Since leaving Earth 15 years ago, NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has reshaped our understanding of the Red Planet including discovering information on dust storms, temperatures and subsurface minerals.

However, while the scientific discoveries have been remarkable, the orbiter has become best know for its stunning images showing remarkable features on the surface of the alien world. 

HiRISE captured avalanches in action. As seasonal ice vaporised in the spring, these 1,640-foot-tall (500-meter-tall) cliffs at Mars' north pole began to crumble

As HiRISE pans over large swaths of Mars' surface, it occasionally discovers surprises like this towering dust devil, which was captured from 185 miles (297 kilometers) above the ground

Among its instruments, MRO carries three cameras: A fisheye lens, one for 19-mile-wide black and white terrain shots and the High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) which provides the most striking photos. 

Able to zoom in on surface features at the highest resolution, the detailed, colour images from HiRISE have captured dramatic scenes of nature on the Red Planet that have captivated audiences back on Earth.

These scenes include tumbling avalanches, sky scraping dust devils, and other features of a changing landscape that show Mars is more than just a red rock. 

The camera has also provided images of other NASA spacecraft at Mars, like the Curiosity and Opportunity rovers, the Martian moon Phobos and even a picture of Earth. 

As of early August 2020, the HiRISE camera alone had taken 6,882,204 images, generating 194 terabytes of data sent from Mars since 2006. 

This 'false colour' image shows sand ripples from February 2009. The 'false colour' has been added to this image to accentuate certain details, like the tops of dunes and ripples. Many of these landforms are migrating, as they do on Earth

A dramatic, fresh impact crater dominates this image taken by HiRISE. The crater spans approximately 100 feet (30 meters) in diameter and is surrounded by a large, rayed blast zone

This is the final traverse map for Opportunity, showing where the rover was on June 10, 2018, the last date it made contact with its team before it was lost in a dust storm

On the left is a picture of Mars taken by MRO showing the planet before the 2018 dust storm enveloped the whole planet - as seen by the nearly featureless world shown in the right hand image


WATCH: Mars Cam Views from NASA Rover during Red Planet Exploration #Mars2020 


