쿼드콥터가 곡예 비행을 가능하게 만드는 AI 알고리즘 VIDEO; Drones all in a spin! AI algorithm enables quadcopters to perform acrobatic...

Drones all in a spin! AI algorithm enables quadcopters to perform acrobatic manoeuvres like power loops and barrel rolls autonomously

Switzerland-based scientists have worked with Intel to teach a drone acrobatics 

Drone is powered by an algorithm to perform series of high speed tricks and flips

The algorithm trains drone to do stunts that would challenge a  human operator 

Video footage shows quadcopter flying power loops, barrel rolls and matty flips


PUBLISHED: 10:51 BST, 24 June 2020 | UPDATED: 13:06 BST, 24 June 2020.


쿼드콥터가 곡예 비행을 가능하게 만드는 AI 알고리즘

    미국의 과학자들은 쿼드콥터 헬리콥터 또는 쿼드콥터를 개발했는데, 이 쿼드콥터는 곡예 비행을 할 수 있다..

미국의 거대 기업 인텔과 함께 개발한 이 드론은 온보드 센서 측정을 이용해 자율적으로 묘기를 펼칠 수 있는 내비게이션 알고리즘을 사용한다.

시연에서, 연구원들은 파워 루프, 배럴 롤, 매티 플립을 날렸고, 그 동안 드론은 높은 추력과 극도의 각 가속을 보여줬다.

까다로운 스턴트 능력을 갖춘 드론이 재래식 운영에서 더 효율적일 것이라고 연구팀은 말한다.

그것은 물리적인 한계까지 이용할 수 있고, 민첩성과 속도를 충분히 활용할 수 있으며 배터리 수명 내에서 더 많은 거리를 커버할 수 있다.

드론 뒤의 알고리즘은 실제 구조 임무나 배송 서비스를 위해 사용될 수도 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

Scientists have developed a quadrotor helicopter, or quadcopter, that can learn to fly acrobatic manoeuvres that would challenge even a human operator.  

The drone, developed with US tech giant Intel, uses a navigation algorithm that allows it to autonomously perform tricks using on-board sensor measurements. 

In demonstrations, researchers flew power loops, barrel rolls and matty flips, during which the drone was subject to high thrust and extreme angular acceleration. 

A drone with the ability to perform tricky stunts will be more efficient in conventional operations, the research team say. 

It can be pushed to its physical limits, make full use of its agility and speed and cover more distance within its battery life.

The algorithm behind the drone could be used in the physical world for real-life rescue missions or for delivery services. 

Scroll down for video 

A composite image of the various positions of the quadrotor programmed with the algorithm as it performs a matty flip

In a commercial setting, delivery drones that can confidently perform fast tricks and stunts could get to their destination faster by avoiding potential obstacles.

The vision-based autonomous quadrotor with only on-board sensing and computation is capable of autonomously performing agile tricks

‘This navigation is another step towards integrating autonomous drones in our daily lives,’ said Davide Scaramuzza, robotics professor and head of the robotics and perception group at the University of Zurich.

‘Our algorithm learns how to perform acrobatic manoeuvres that are challenging even for the best human pilots.’

Since the dawn of flight pilots have used acrobatic manoeuvres to test the limits of their aeroplanes, and the same goes for drones.

The various stages of the programmed quadrotor as it performs a barrel roll (left) and a power loop (right)


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