풍선 캡슐에 몸을 맡겨 우주여행 만끽을.. VIDEO: Space Tourism startup is developing ‘cruises’ into the stratosphere that will launch explorers aboard...

카테고리 없음|2020. 6. 23. 01:50

Space Tourism startup is developing ‘cruises’ into the stratosphere that will launch explorers aboard a capsule attached to a gigantic balloon – but tickets may cost $125,000

Space Perspective announced its plans for cruises to the stratosphere

It would use a giant balloon to launch a nine-person capsule 10,000ft into the air

The entire trip would be about six hours and may cost $125,000

Unmanned test-flights are set for 2021 and commercial operations in 2024 


PUBLISHED: 19:29 BST, 18 June 2020 | UPDATED: 20:45 BST, 18 June 2020


풍선 캡슐에 몸을 맡겨 우주여행 만끽을...

   새로운 스타트업이 관광객들을 거대한 풍선에 부착된 가압 캡슐 안에서 성층권 안으로 3000m를 비행시켜 새로운 높이에로 끌어올릴 것이다.

스페이스 퍼스펙티브는 9명의 인원과 미니 바를 수용하는 우주선 넵튠의 개발을 목요일 발표했다.

이 '우주 크루즈'는 대기로 2시간 상승할 것이고, 그 후 대서양 위를 2시간 더 맴돌 것이다.

무인 시험 비행은 2021년 초에 시작될 예정이다. 회사는 2024년부터 항공권을 판매를 희망하고 12만 5천 달러 정도의 비용을 예상하고 있다.

스페이스 퍼스펙티브(Space Perspective)는 풍선에 부착된 성층권에 센서를 배치해 우주 이미지를 포착하는 회사인 월드뷰(World View)를 이전에 공동 설립한 제인 포인터와 태버 맥컬럼이 설립한 신생 스타트업이다

이들은 인간을 우주의 가장자리로 보내기 위해 이런 계획을 생각해냈다.

'우리의 탐험가 여러분, 즉 우주 비행의 스릴을 처음으로, 최소한의 신체적 요건과 비행기에 탑승하는 것만큼 간단하고 안전하고 편안한 방법으로 이용할 수 있게 할 수 있습니다. 라고 Space Perspective의 웹사이트에 언급되어있다.

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

edited by kcontents

A new startup will launch tourists to new heights by flying them 10,000 feet into the stratosphere inside a pressurized capsule attached to a massive balloon.

Space Perspective announced Thursday the development of its 'Spaceship Neptune' that holds nine people and a mini bar, all of which will be encased in large windows.

The 'cruise' would entail a two-hour ascent into the atmosphere, where it will then hover over the Atlantic Ocean for another two hours.

Unmanned test flights are set to begin in early 2021 and the firm hopes to sell tickets starting in 2024 – but they may cost around $125,000.

Scroll down for video 

A new startup will launch tourists to new heights by flying them 10,000 feet into the stratosphere inside a pressurized capsule attached to a massive balloon

Space Perspective is a new startup founded by Jane Poynter and Taber McCallum, who previously co-founded World View – a firm that deploys sensors to the stratosphere attached to balloons to capture space imagery.

And they are using this idea to send humans to the edge of space.

'For the first time, we can make the thrill of spaceflight accessible to you, our Explorers, in a safe, comfortable manner with minimal physical requirements and as simple as boarding an airplane,' reads Space Perspective's website.

Space Perspective announced Thursday the development of its 'Spaceship Neptune' that holds nine people and a mini bar, all of which will be encased in large windows

The 'cruise' would entail a two-hour ascent into the atmosphere, where it will then hover over the Atlantic Ocean for another two hours. Unmanned test flights are set to begin in early 2021 and the firm hopes to sell tickets starting in 2024 – but they may cost around $125,000

'Our pressurized capsule affords a shirt-sleeves environment, and comes with a refreshments bar and lavatory, of course.'


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