중국 코로나 사망자, 실제 14 China's real Covid-19 death toll could be 14 TIMES bigger than..ㅣ 한국 연구진, 비스테로이드성 소염제 (NSAIDs) 코로나에 치명적 Ibuprofen and naproxen 'may worsen Covid-19'
China's real Covid-19 death toll could be 14 TIMES bigger than official data shows as study claims at least 36,000 people had already died in Wuhan by mid-March
Researchers said more than 35,000 people could have died in Wuhan alone
China has recorded 4,634 Covid-19 deaths despite being pandemic ground zero
A study found crematoriums upgraded from working four hours a day to 24/7
Enough urns were shipped to Wuhan to cope with all of China's Covid-19 victims
Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19
China's coronavirus death toll could be 10 times higher than officials in Beijing say it is, according to scientists (Pictured: Staff in protective clothing clean graves in the capital city)
PUBLISHED: 14:15 BST, 17 June 2020 | UPDATED: 17:03 BST, 17 June 2020
중국 코로나 사망자, 실제 14배...3월 중순까지 3만 6천명 사망 중국의 실제 코로나바이러스 사망자 수가 공식 통계보다 14배나 더 많을 수 있다는 연구 결과가 나왔다. 미국 연구원들은 중국이 전염병의 실제 크기를 은폐했고 정확한 숫자를 계산하기 위해 우한에 있는 화장장의 활동을 이용했다고 말했다. 그들은 12월에 전염병이 시작된 도시인 우한시가 중국 전체의 공식 사망자 수가 700명 정도 밖에 되지 않았던 2월 둘째 주까지 매일 800명에서 2,000명까지의 시신을 태웠을 수도 있다는 것을 알아냈다. 우한 화장장 86곳이 24시간 가동되고 있다는 보도에 따르면 사망자가 수백명을 넘어섰다는 의혹이 제기되고 있다. 장례식장에서도 수천 개의 유골 단지를 사들였다. 이 연구는 영국이 폐쇄된 3월 23일까지 우한에서만 약 36,000명의 사람들이 죽었다는 것을 보여주고 있다. 당시 중국의 공식발표 사망자 수는 2,524명이었다. 베이징은 현재 코비드-19로 인한 사망자가 4,634명이고, 8만3,265명이 감염됐다고 밝혔다. 수치상으로 후베이성의 수도인 우한에서 98%의 코로나바이러스 사망자가 발생했음을 알 수 있다. 이 연구는 중국이 코비드-19의 발생이 투명하지 않았다는 주장을 덧붙이고 있는데, 이것은 다른 나라들에게도 영향을 미쳤다고 전문가들은 말하고 있다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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China's real coronavirus death toll could be 14 times higher than official statistics show, a study has claimed.
US researchers suggest China covered up the true size of its epidemic and used the activity of crematoriums in Wuhan to try and calculate accurate numbers.
They found the city — which is where the pandemic began in December — may have been burning between 800 and 2,000 bodies every day by the second week of February, when the official death toll for the whole of China was only around 700.
Reports of 86 Wuhan crematoriums operating 24 hours a day at full capacity raises suspicion that the number of people dying was more than just hundreds, they said.
Funeral homes were also buying thousands of urns for ashes and the study suggests that, by March 23 — when the UK went into lockdown — around 36,000 people had died in Wuhan alone. The official number for all China at the time was 2,524.
Beijing says there have now been 4,634 deaths from Covid-19 and 83,265 diagnosed cases. Figures show 98 per cent of recorded coronavirus fatalities have occurred in Hubei province, which Wuhan is the capital of.
The study adds to claims that China has not been transparent about exactly how bad the Covid-19 outbreak was there, which experts say influenced other countries.
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Ibuprofen and naproxen 'may worsen Covid-19' and raise the risk of death for hospitalised patients, study finds
Researchers in Seoul, South Korea, studied effects of anti-inflammatory drugs
Study of 1,800 people found a higher risk of death or heart or kidney problems
NHS says 'no clear evidence' and still safe for people to take ibuprofen
Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19
The NHS says there is still 'no clear evidence' that ibuprofen or other NSAIDs are dangerous for people with the coronavirus and says people can take them to reduce symptoms if they want to (stock image)
PUBLISHED: 11:37 BST, 17 June 2020 | UPDATED: 14:20 BST, 17 June 2020
한국 연구진, 비스테로이드성 소염제 (NSAIDs) 코로나에 치명적 합병증 유의해야 한국의 의학연구소 연구에 따르면, 이부프로펜과 다른 소염 진통제는 코로나 바이러스를 가진 병원 환자들에 증상을 더 악화시킬 수 있다고 말한다. 코비드-19 환자들의 사망과 합병증을 조사하는 한국의 의학연구소는 흔한 진통제 약물이 사망 위험을 65% 증가시켰다고 말했다. 그리고 비스테로이드성 소염제 (NSAIDs)는 심각한 심장이나 신장 합병증의 위험을 85%까지 높일 수 있다는 결과가 나왔다. NSAID는 흔하고 이부프로펜과 나프록센을 포함한 여러 종류가 있으며 저렴한 가격으로 살 수 있다. 고용량 아스피린도 이 범주에 포함되지만 연구에는 포함되지 않았다. 이 약은 종종 두통, 주기, 근육 손상, 감기 및 독감, 관절염으로 인한 통증을 완화시키는데 사용된다. 연구원들은 이런 '항염증치료제가 코로나바이러스 환자들에게 유의해서 사용되어야 한다'며 그 연관성을 증명하기 위해 더 많은 실험을 해야할 것이라고 말했다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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Ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory painkillers could make hospital patients with coronavirus more likely to die, according to a study.
South Korean research looking at deaths and complications in Covid-19 patients suggested the common painkiller drugs raised the risk of death by 65 per cent.
And the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may push up the risk of serious heart or kidney complications by 85 per cent, results showed.
NSAIDs are common and some types — including ibuprofen and naproxen — can be bought over-the-counter for pennies. High-dose aspirin is also included in the category but was not counted in the study.
The drugs are often used to relieve the pain caused by headaches, periods, muscle injuries, cold and flu, and arthritis.
Researchers behind the study said anti-inflammatories should be 'used with caution' in coronavirus patients and called on more trials to prove the link.
This is not the first time research has suggested a link to worsening Covid-19 but the NHS says there is 'no clear evidence' that NSAIDs are dangerous. It says it is safe for people to take ibuprofen if they have coronavirus symptoms.
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