네티즌들이 직접 선정한 2020 최고의 건축 사진 These Are the Best Architecture Photos of 2020

These Are the Best Architecture Photos of 2020

By Jessica Stewart on April 30, 2020


The Golden Bridge has been built at around 1,400 meters above sea level. It is divided into eight spans (the longest one is equal to 20m), with a total length of 148,6 meters. This impressive architecture work has the peculiarity of being held by two giant concrete hands, representing the Mountain God’s hands.

“Golden Bridge” by Tran Tuan Viet, Vietnam. Winner #Architecture2020

Location: Danang, Vietnam

(베트남 다낭 골든브릿지)


네티즌들이 직접 선정한 2020 최고의 건축 사진

  골든 브릿지는 해발 1400m에 건설되었다. 8경간(가장 긴 경간은 20m)으로 나뉘며, 총 길이는 148,6m이다. 이 인상적인 토목 작품은 두 개의 거대한 콘크리트 손에 잡히는 특이성을 가지고 있는데, 산 신의 손을 대표한다.

전 세계 사진작가들이 무료 AGORA 사진 앱에 작품을 업로드하며 인공 건축의 영광을 자축했다. 아고라의 최근 사진 콘테스트에는 1만 장 이상의 사진들이 출품되었고, 사진사들은 그들의 독특한 건축물을 찍은 최고의 사진들을 공유해 줄 것을 요청했다. 결국, 트란 투안 베트는 베트남의 골든 브리지 사진으로 1,000달러의 최고상을 수상했다.

바나힐스 산악 휴양지 다낭에 위치한 황금 다리는 거대한 콘크리트 손에 의해 공중에서 들어올려지는 것처럼 보인다. 베트남 사진작가의 이미지는 이 다리의 공중경관에 해발 약 1380

상공에 떠 있는 웅장한 건축물의 정신을 담아내고 있다. 이 사진은 #건축2020 콘테스트의 완벽한 우승자로 인간이 지형에 미치는 영향력을 보여준다.

아고라의 CEO & 공동 창업자인 옥타비 로요는 "#Architecture2020은 빛과 볼륨의 상호작용에서 비롯되는 아름다움에 대한 스펙터클"이라고 공유한다. "혼돈과 질서, 자연과 인공, 물질과 공허의 대비. 세계 최고의 사진작가들이 그린 방대한 양의 광자를 튕겨내고 있다.

영국과 독일에서 파키스탄과 인도네시아에 이르기까지, 이러한 국제적인 건축관은 인간 정신의 창조성을 보여준다. 상위 50명의 결승 진출자들은 각각 우리 세상을 형성하는 사랑받는 건물들과 익명의 건물들 모두를 촬영하면서 그들만의 건축 비전을 포착했다.

매주 열리는 AGORA 사진 공모전은 아마추어들과 전문가들이 작품을 제출하고 최종 후보에 투표할 수 있는 진정한 민주적인 행사다. 참여하려면 무료 앱을 다운받아 사진을 업로드하기만 하면 된다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

The Golden Bridge has been built at around 1,400 meters above sea level. It is divided into eight spans (the longest one is equal to 20m), with a total length of 148,6 meters. This impressive architecture work has the peculiarity of being held by two giant concrete hands, representing the Mountain God’s hands.

Photographers around the world celebrated the glory of manmade architecture by uploading their work to the free AGORA photo app. Over 10,000 photographs were submitted to Agora’s latest photo contest, with photographers asked to share their best shots of unique architecture. In the end, Tran Tuan Viet took home the $1,000 top prize for his image of Vietnam’s Golden Bridge.

Located in Danang at the Bà Nà Hills mountain resort, the Golden Bridge appears to be lifted in the air by giant concrete hands. The Vietnamese photographer’s image captures the majestic spirit of the architecture, which hovers almost 4,600 feet above sea level, in this aerial view of the bridge. The photograph is the perfect winner of the #Architecture2020 contest and demonstrates the power humans have to make an impact on the landscape.

“#Architecture2020 is a spectacle about the beauty that results from the interaction between light and volumes,” shares Octavi Royo, Agora’s CEO & Co-Founder. “The contrast between chaos and order, nature and the artificial, matter, and emptiness. Particles of photons bouncing off constructed volumes portrayed by the world’s great photographers.”

From the UK and Germany to Pakistan and Indonesia, these international views of architecture show the creativity of the human spirit. The top 50 finalists each captured their own vision of architecture, photographing both the well-loved buildings and anonymous edifices that shape our world.

Each weekly AGORA photo contest is a truly democratic affair, with amateurs and professionals able to both submit their work and vote on the finalists. If you want to take part, all you need to do is download the free app and upload your photos.

#Architecture2020 celebrates the world’s best architectural photography.

“Castlemania!” by @moodfella, Germany.

Location: Eltz Castle, Mayen-Koblenz, Germany

(독일 엘츠성)

“Surrounded by 72 Buddha statues – The Great Candi Borobudur” by chaksproject, Indonesia.

Location: Borobudur, Magelang, Indonesia

(인도네시아 보로부두르 사원)

‘Pahtotharmyar’ by Aye Chan Tun, Myanmar.

Location: Pahtotharmyar Temple, Bagan, Myanmar

Every day, novices living near the temple pay their homage to the Buddha statue. The photo required a meticulous organization because the sun shines through during a very short moment.

(미얀마 바간의 사원)

“The Vessel” by Katharina Imhof, Germany.

Location: New York City, USA

(미국 뉴욕)

“Light Through the Dragon’s Gate” by Blair Sugarman, UK.

Location: Hong Kong


These quirky cut-outs have long been rumored to exist for purposes of Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese system of summoning happiness and fortune through an individual’s surroundings. Such holes, it is said, act as gateways for “spirit dragons” that reside in the hills behind the towers — blocking the dragons’ path to the water could bring misfortune to local residents. At this time of day, the light was perfect as the sun sets – the key emotion I was looking to evoke is curiosity and wonder at the uniqueness of Hong Kong building structures.

“Urban Grid | Barcelona” by Lee Mumford, UK.

Location: Barcelona, Spain

(스페인 바르셀로나)

I wanted to get up high and show the unique pattern from a different angle. It’s beauty that can be hard to imagine from the street level. This was an early start, to capture the magical city under some nice morning light. The previous days before this shoot, it was cloudy so I waited for a clear day to capture the light kissing the buildings.

“Cairo” by Banu Diker, Turkey.

Location: Cairo, Egypt

(이집트 카이로)

There was wonderful weather and the sky was clear and blue. The rustiness of the building was the only different color in the picture, because the reflection on the windows reflected the same blue as the sky. When I realized this, I thought the contrast was beautiful and I took the photo.

“Aerial View” by Phạm Huy Trung, Vietnam.

Location: Hue, Vietnam

“This floating restaurant located on the Huong river can be better admired from above.”

(베트남 후에)

“Inception” by Yura Borschev, Russia.

Location: Petrovskiy Track Palace, Moscow, Russia

(러시아 모스크바 페트로프스키 트랙 궁전)

Peter’s Palace is located at the gates of Moscow and was erected in the years 1776-1780, serving as a residence for noble people after a long journey from St Petersburg to Moscow. I wanted to capture its amazing architecture using a technique called “Inception”. There are 9 photos from different angels manually merged into one photo.



