또다시 재현된 이탈리아 교량 붕괴 VIDEO: Italy bridge collapse: Two drivers survive

Italy bridge collapse: Two drivers survive

Media captionItaly bridge collapse: Drivers survive on quiet road

Two van drivers escaped serious injury when a bridge over a river in northern Italy collapsed on Wednesday.

A red, Bartolini courier van was visible from a fire brigade video from the scene 

이탈리아 100년 넘은 260m 철근콘크리트 교량 붕괴

이동제한령으로 대형참사 면해

   지난 4월 8일(현지시각) 이탈리아 토스카나주(州) 마사 카라라 지역의 마그라강을 가로지르는 100여년 전에 만들어진 연장 약260m의 철근콘크리트 교량이 붕괴됐다.

신종코로나 바이러스 감영증 사태 때문에 이동제한령이 내려진 상태로 평소보다 차량이 많지 않아 피해는 크지 않을 것으로 알려졌다. 현지 언론에 따르면 사고 당시 교량을 지나던 차량은 두대였으며 운전자들은 큰 부상을 입지는 않은 것으로 알려졌다.

이교량은 1908년에 준공된 것으로 알려진 아치형태의 교량이다. 5개의 아치로 이루어져 있으며 폭은 7m 왕복 2차선, 높이는 하천으로부터 10m정도 인 것으로 알려졌다.

이교량은 이탈리에서 최초로 철근콘크트로 설계된 교량 중 하나인 것으로 알려졌으며 1945~1949년 사이에는 교각의 기초부분이 세굴되어 보강공사를 한 적이 있으며,  지난해 11월에는 교량 이용자들이 교량에 균열이 있다고 신고했던 적이 있었다고 현지 언론이 전했다. 

한편 이탈리아에서는 2018년 8월 이번 붕괴사고가 발생한 위치에서 서쪽으로 80여km 떨어진 제노아에서 사장교가 붕괴되 40여명이 사망하는 사고가 발생하는 등 교량 붕괴사고가 이어지고 있다.

이석종 기자 건설인

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The provincial road would normally have been busy but there was little traffic when the bridge fell, because of coronavirus lockdown measures.

Images from the scene show a red courier vehicle apparently still upright on the collapsed road.

One of the van drivers managed to clamber out of his vehicle

The driver was hit by falling masonry and airlifted to hospital, but his injuries were described as minor.

The driver of a second van was able to clamber out of his vehicle unscathed but suffering from shock, reports said. Firefighters were checking the river in case anyone else was involved.

The condition of Italy's road bridges has come under close scrutiny ever since 43 people died in the collapse of the giant Morandi bridge in Genoa in August 2018.

Cars fell 45m (148ft) as a 200m stretch of the structure serving the busy A10 motorway collapsed. Decaying steel rods suspending the bridge were blamed for the disaster. The bridge was operated by Autostrade per l'Italia, a subsidiary of the Atlantia company.

This latest bridge collapse took place 100km further east. The bridge links the regions of Liguria and Tuscany. Italian officials said the structure over the River Magra was some 400m in length and around 7-8m in height.

Residents in Caprigliola, the closest town to the bridge, said they heard a loud bang at around 10:20 local time (08:20 GMT) on Wednesday morning, followed by the sound of tumbling masonry.

It soon emerged that motorists had reported a crack in the bridge after a period of bad weather last November.

Morandi bridge collapse/Financial Times

2018년 8월 북서부 항구도시 제노바에서 민간업체가 운영·관리하는 모란디 교량이 붕괴해 43명이 사망하는 대형 참사가 났다/연합뉴스

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The bridge was repaired and then inspected by technicians before being given the all clear. It had previously been run by the local authority in Massa Carrara, the province on the Tuscany side, but then placed under the control of Anas, a firm run by state-owned railway group Ferrovie dello Stato.

"It's a sheer stroke of luck that a collapse hasn't turned into a tragedy - because of a lack of traffic caused by the coronavirus emergency," said Michele de Pascale, head of the Italian provinces union UPI.

He warned that Italy's provinces had been saying for some time that the country's infrastructure was crying out for urgent maintenance.

A local mayor, Roberto Valettini, said he had sent three letters to the bridge operator warning about the bridge.

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