2020 두바이 엑스포, 코비드-19 사태로 1년 연기 하기로 VIDEO: Korea "thankful" for Expo 2020's proactive postponement
Korea "thankful" for Expo 2020's proactive postponement
Pyung-oh Kwon, commissioner-general of Korea at Expo 2020 Dubai lauds officials' approach
by Disha Dadlani02 Apr 2020
The president and chief executive officer of the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) and commissioner-general of the Republic of Korea at Expo 2020 Dubai, Pyung-oh Kwon has said that it is more important than ever that the Expo comes to life in the best possible way and at an appropriate time.
South Korea pavilion© Expo 2020 Dubai
(2020 두바이 엑스포 한국관)
2020 두바이 엑스포, 코비드 사태로 1년 연기 하기로 한국무역투자진흥공사(KOTRA)의 권평오 사장은 2020년 두바이에서 열린 두바이 엑스포 한국담당 집행위원 자격으로 엑스포가 가능한 한 가장 좋은 방식으로, 그리고 적절한 시기에 실현되는 것이 그 어느 때보다도 중요하다고 말했다. 2020년 두바이 국제박람회 운영위원회는 COVID-19 발병의 세계적 영향을 고려하여 세계박람회 운영기구인 The Bureau International des Expositions(BIE)와 1년 연기하기로 합의했다. 2020년 두바이 엑스포 관계자들은 BIE의 집행위원회와 총회가 연기 결정을 내릴 것이라고 확정했다. 한국의 '지속적으로 변화하는' 두바이 전시관은 '스마트 코리아, 세계를 당신에게 옮긴다'를 주제로 하고 있다. 행사 관계자들은 앞서 전시관 외관의 '계속 변화하는 이미지'가 '회전하는 큐브'에 의해 만들어졌다고 밝힌 바 있다. 또 이 전시관에는 인공지능, 가상현실, 사물인터넷(IoT) 등의 기술이 전시돼 한국의 산업 4.0 기여도를 부각시키고 있다. 5층 규모 5200m2의 정자도 한국 미술과 스타일, 대중문화를 한곳에 담아냈다. 2020년 두바이의 모빌리티 구역 내에 위치한 이 전시관 작업을 위해 무유키 건축가가 임명되었다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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Expo 2020 Dubai's Steering Committee has agreed to explore with The Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), the governing body of World Expo, a year-long postponement of the event, in view of the global impact of the COVID-19 outbreak.
네이버블로그 성공이민 MCC
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Expo 2020 Dubai officials have confirmed that a final decision on the postponement will be made by the BIE’s Executive Committee and the General Assembly.
According to Article 28 of the BIE Convention, two-thirds majority vote from Member States of the organisation are required for a change of dates, Construction Week earlier reported.
Korea's 'continuously changing' pavilion is themed around 'Smart Korea, Moving the World to You'. The event officials had earlier revealed that the 'continously changing images' on the exterior of the pavilion were created by 'rotating cubes'.
In addition, the pavilion displays technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to highlight Korea's contribution towards Industry 4.0. The five-storey 5,200m2 pavilion also captures Korean art, style and pop culture in one place.
Mooyuki Architects were appointed for work on the pavilion, which is located within Expo 2020 Dubai’s Mobility District. KOTRA, which is a part of South Korea’s Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy, is the developer of the pavilion.
“It was heartening to see all the participants of Expo 2020 Dubai coming together with a strong message of solidarity and support. World Expos are a place where the world comes together to showcase the best of humanity, and at what is a difficult time in many places, it is more important than ever that this Expo comes to life in the best possible way and at an appropriate time. We are thankful for the proactive approach of the organisers and their full support," Pyung-oh Kwon said in a statement.
Expo 2020 Dubai | Welcome the Future - Extended
Expo 2020 Dubai | Pavilions revealed in 2018