미국, 코로나바이러스 감염자수 중국 추월 U.S. now has more coronavirus cases than any other countr
U.S. now has more coronavirus cases than any other country
global news
The United States on Thursday surpassed China and Italy as the country with the most coronavirus cases, according to a Reuters tally, as New York, New Orleans and other hot spots faced a surge in hospitalizations and looming shortages in supplies, staff and sick beds.
로이터 통계에 따르면 뉴욕, 뉴올리언스, 등에 공급품, 의료진 및 병상 부족에 직면함에 따라 목요일 미국은 중국과 이탈리아를 제치고 가장 많은 코로나바이러스 감염환자를 가진 나라가 되었다.
The Guardian
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Medical facilities were running low on ventilators and protective masks and were hampered by limited diagnostic testing capacity.
The number of U.S. cases of coronavirus reached 81,378, the Reuters tally showed. China was second with 81,285 cases, and Italy third with 80,539 cases.
Tallies from The New York Times and Johns Hopkins University also showed that the U.S. surpassed China and Italy on Thursday.
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